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Bit hypocritical coming from an Arsenal fan, isn't in?

He got a slight nudge, so he went down.  Same thing happened with Alonso against Chelsea when Eidur dived, and Arsenal are hardly angels.  Look at Viera at Anfield, going down in 'anticipation', when Hamann was 2 feet away from touching him.

That's why I said:

"When an awful decision goes against you like that and the team score, you realise how really annoying diving truly is."

If it's your team doing the diving, most people would probably laugh at first, think "stupid player, why did you dive" and then forget about it. When it's the other team diving most people will go "fucking bastard! Send his mother-fucking ass off!!!" or words to that effect :P

It wasn't a nudge, it was a tap...:D

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Yeh, the freekick was a bit soft, but we won, so I don't care all that much.

Fabregas is fucking awesome and I have no idea how he wasn't nominated for Young Player of the Year, he has been just as good as any of those who were.

Reyes and van Persie played well again too, Reyes has his hunger back it seems (maybe the sunshine has something to do with that), and if those two continue, who knows, Henry has a job to get in the cup final side if he is fit, but I am sure he will get in.

At the moment though, I don't think Sol will start and Freddie may have a job taking Fabregas' place but I think he will if he recovers.

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Well, Arsenal's season arguably fell apart when they lost to Man Utd due to a Rooney dive.

And now you guys have the chance to win the FA Cup AND finish above them. Sweet revenge, eh?

Anyways, Fabregas was superb today. Hard to imagine he's only 17. IMO, if he continues to develop the way he has, he could be the best buy Wenger made after Henry.

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He is 18 now. ;)

And just for the record, did anyone else see Arsenal players diving every 5 minutes? According to my Man Utd "supporting" friend, we were, especially Reyes and van Persie, however I failed to see any of it.

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Wenger: No promises for Sol

Arsene Wenger has once again reiterated that Sol Campbell is far from assured of a place in his FA Cup final team.

The England stopper has failed to dislodge Philippe Senderos after recovering from an ankle injury, such has been the form of the Swiss fledgling.

Senderos has proven a revelation at the heart of The Gunners' backline and has now given himself a realistic chance of starting against Manchester United in the Millennium Stadium showdown.

However, with two Premiership games still to play before the old rivals meet up in Cardiff, Campbell could yet be handed an opportunity to impress between now and the season's close.

"Philippe is playing well and is deserving of his place but I also feel frustrated for Sol because he is working hard to get back in the team,'' said Wenger.

"I just have to make a decision and I will try to be fair. It's a fair competition between them, Sol will get his opportunity again but as I say Philippe is doing well.

"He is on a wave of improvement where he seems to develop from game to game so you have to keep him on that wave.

"If you were to cut him down now, it certainly wouldn't help him. I'm honestly not thinking about possible FA Cup line-ups at the moment.

"I don't see the FA Cup final as a reward for players - I just see it as the next game in which you want to field your best possible team.

"You don't just pick somebody because they have played the whole season, you pick your best team for that game.

''I will try to make the decision as fairly as I can, as I do for every game."

I like the fact that Wenger is showing his faith in Senderos here.

Thing is I don't know if Campbell should be left out of the FA Cup final. He's big, strong and fast, and against Manchester United that's going to be needed a heck of a lot. If it were up to me, I'd play Sol and Senderos and drop Kolo Toure, but it ain't.

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I would put Campbell in every time, if it was up to me he'd have played the last couple of games too. Granted we haven't been letting goals in, but it's not been through a lack of the opposition having chances. In all honesty we were lucky not to concede against Spurs and gave more than a few chances away to Liverpool when it was 2-1. We've had a lot of luck along with the talent and hard work.

I'd put Campbell alongside Senderos, Toure or Lauren at right-back is about the same (I'd stick with Lauren). Senderos is still learning and for that reason he needs Campbell. Campbell can not only pick up on his mistakes in a way Toure probably can't, but having an experienced defender like Campbell next to Senderos talking him through a game will help him learn a lot.

The cup final is going to be the biggest game for us now this season, it's all we have left now we've secured 2nd place. In the same way Wenger will do anything to see Henry play, I think the same attitude should be taken towards Sol Campbell.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I agree, I'm liking Senderos but Sol Campbell can be one the best in his position, he lost his place through injury not mistake so its slightly more harsh too.

I want Campbell in there for the United game, so let him play in the next few premiership games too.

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I have been reading today that Wenger is looking to bring Paul le Guen in, as he stepped down as Lyon manager the other day, he wants him to be a coach at Arsenal with him as a possible succesor to Wenger himself.

I have to say, that would be fucking awesome, le Guen has proved himself to be a great coach from what he has done with Lyon, I am not sure if he has been there for the four years that they have won the French league in a row, but if he was then that isn't bad. He also plays attacking football much like us, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. If that happens, in the future, le Guen as manager and Wenger upstairs would be awesome as Wenger could still look for the young talent.

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I have been reading today that Wenger is looking to bring Paul le Guen in, as he stepped down as Lyon manager the other day, he wants him to be a coach at Arsenal with him as a possible succesor to Wenger himself.

I have to say, that would be fucking awesome, le Guen has proved himself to be a great coach from what he has done with Lyon, I am not sure if he has been there for the four years that they have won the French league in a row, but if he was then that isn't bad. He also plays attacking football much like us, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. If that happens, in the future, le Guen as manager and Wenger upstairs would be awesome as Wenger could still look for the young talent.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Not sure why he'd want to take a coaching job, it is rumoured that he might like to take a while out from football, so it makes it slightly more believable, but he'll be in high demand across europe, I wouldn't be surprised if Real appointed him as one of their 5,000 managers for next season.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

The whole idea is that it'd be Claret, much like the first kit we wore at Highbury, so red and white wouldn't have made sense. I'll go as far as saying its boring and ugly, I know this picture makes it more dull, but yeah, its not very nice.

This isn't the kind of kit worn by a classy team.

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I like it more than I thought I would, though that's not to say it's won me over yet. I'll be buying it come my birthday later on this year for the years at Highbury, though I can't see myself topping it off with the gold numbers on the back - white would've worked better.

I've been reading today that the Real Madrid director of football, Arrigo Sacchi has been moaning, funnily enough, that Wenger's reported interest in Beckham isn't going to unsettle Real Madrid. Odd that he should make such a stand over something not bothering him.

This brings me to two general gripes/points: 1) It makes a change from Real Madrid and their players doing the exact same with Patrick Vieira year after year and 2) I just don't like the rule that you can't say you like a player or that you would like to buy a player. Tapping up is against the rules but I'm not sure simply saying 'I like whoever' is that bad. Anyway, enough has been made of the Beckham scenario so I'll leave it all there.

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Well, pretty much every kit we've had for the last 2/3 years I saw a photo of I thought it looked horrible. But then after I had bought it/seen the players wearing it in a match, I started to really like it. Same thing'll happen with this one I expect.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I agree that it'll look better and the photo doesn't do it justice, but I'm not sure I like it yet, it just seems a bit of a boring colour, I'll buy it for sure, simply for the memorial feel, but yeah, whether I'll be wearing it outside of games I'm not sure.

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