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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

4-1 HT

Not bad so far, Rosenburgs defense is pretty damn poor but I'm not bothered, fantastic goal from Cesc, good goals from Henry and Reyes too. A brilliant save from Almunia too, filled him with confidence, maybe a little too much, but he'll only learn, shame about conceding, it was his fault (maybe should of punched the ball if he couldn't catch) but I'm not too bothered, lets just hope for more saves after the break or no saves at all because the defense are too strong.

Flamini, Fabregas and Hoyte all playing really well.

I call for more Arsenal goals though, lets put the studs in. So much for all that beer my dad bought me for the christmas period :shifty:

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5-1, good game and a damn good win. We looked really, really good out there, although the goalkeeper thing still has me a little worried. I highly doubt Wenger will stick with Almunia for the next game, but we'll just see.

Fantastic goals from both Cesc and van Persie, and the other three weren't half bad either!

Good game, hope we can keep this form up in the knock-out phase.

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Fantastic result, it's about time we showed what we could be capable of on a regular basis in Europe. Fabregas is an excellent player and played a blinder tonight, as did the whole team really.

Not sure what to make of Almunia, he made a good save, but he also looked as bad as Lehman when it comes to making mistakes a good goalkeeper shouldn't be making.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

As much as I want to like Almunia and give him support, I've gotta say Lehmann is a better choice, he makes a few mistakes a season but he can make some blinding saves too, thats not to say I don't want a replacement but I still believe that on his day hes one of the best keepers in the premiership.

Van Persie really added to the game, I'd seriously consider picking him above Bergkamp at the mo, as much as I love Bergkamp I really wanna see Van Persie develop.

Good game tonite, and its exactly what we deserved, Hoyte, Fabregas, Flamini and Van Persie all played superbly, shame Quincy didn't really get a touch.

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If I was a Chelsea fan I'd be shit scared right now, put it that way.

Only see highlights and from what I see Arsenal were stunning. Every goal was really good and finally Arsenal get back to there usual self, question is will it last? I can safely say I'm happy they finished top, now that means Juve cant draw them(I'm sure the top teams can only play runners up). Not saying I wouldn't want to play Arsenal, it's just I'd much rather us draw an easier team and get harder teams on in the later rounds. I'm still really hoping that Juve meet Arsenal though, I think it'd be one heck off a game and well I've been waiting for it for ages now.

Either way if Arsenal play how they did today against Chelsea at the weekend then I think we can confirm an Arsenal win.

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I'm not sure whether Arsenal were top draw tonight, or if they were made to look it by far inferior opposition.

Against a top team like Chelsea, Almunia's mistakes would have cost us the game, as we wouldn't have been gifted the goals that we got (bar Van Persie's).

Van Persie is looking really really good for me. His play is arrogant, cocky, and he's a bit of a show off. And I like it. Maybe his finishing could be better, but I cannot wait for him to make the break into the first team on a regular basis.

Hoyte also looked solid at Right Back. Should Lauren not renew his contract (I forget when it runs out) then I like they should look for backup for Hoyte, rather than a new Lauren.

Fabregas again showed he's got what it takes, he seemed to tire towards the end though, he should be rested at the first opportunity. Flamini was also a solid replacement for Vieria. Though he did dive in a bit quickly at times.

I hope that last night was a top class performance from Arsenal as well as a poor performance from Rosenborg, and with Chelsea losing (even though it was pretty meaningless) that they can take the momentum into the match this sunday.

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I went to the game yesterday and the atmosphere was electric. It was a fantastic game to watch and all of us in the North Bank really wanted van Persie to get that goal, he could have had a hat trick!

When he finally got it we all went mad and started singing his name, it was great.

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Lauren Real done deal


REAL MADRID have dropped a bombshell on Arsenal by revealing Lauren will sign for them in January.

The Cameroon ace’s Highbury deal runs out in the summer — but Real claim he has already put pen to paper.

Madrid president Florentino Perez said: “Lauren will play for Real Madrid next season because his contract will expire. We have him signed.”

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

As far as I'm aware neither player is allowed to discuss such a deal until at least January, so although Real have 'confirmed' this, legally no such deal could have taken place.

Saying that it'll be at the end of this season, so any potential replacements would be well on their way. Lauren is considered one of our weaker first team players anyway so aslong as we've got decent cover I'm not bothered, surprised Real are interested though.

As for Edu, nothing has been confirmed here, theres been talk about him moving to Barca for a few years, so where its true or not is a different story, I know its been reported elsewhere, but no-one has any stern proof (especially the sun, who reported we had signed Kluivert for £9,000,000 a few years ago). Either way, with people like Flamini and Fabregas getting first team experience players Edu (who's usually backup) will be surplus to requirements.

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From what I read in the actual paper, although its not on the site, Lauren has entered into some kind of deal that if he signs he gets a £250,000 signing on fee, if he backs out he pays ten times that. Again, take it for what its worth. I know Hoyte can play as a full back - and what happened to Ryan Garry? I've always felt Lauren is somewhat under-rated, sort of a Gary Neville straight buisiness type.

These types of stories are bound to unsettle the team, as a Spurs fan, I'll be keeping an avid eye on the situation.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

He can't actually enter into any type of deal, let alone discuss one until January, so whatever the paper is reporting cannot be confirmed and in a nutshell is lies.

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The thing is, people were quoted, I believe it and I know that Edu will leave, I don't see him staying now, but we have enough midfielders anyway with Vieira, Gilberto, Cesc and Flamini.

As for Lauren, I would like him to stay as he has been great for the last year or so.

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Guest Reyes Henry

yeah, Edu will leave. But Lauren, well I'm double-minded. He tends to drift forward, and whenever Sol's not there, and there's a counter-attack, it always means trouble.

On the other hand, he's got a great eye for passing the ball.

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