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Fortnite Battle Royale


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6 minutes ago, Gazz said:

If it moves, shoot it.

I got that bit of it, but why do I need to build stuff? Why wont they tell me the buttons? Even a short introduction to what the fuck I am doing would be nice. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Won a solo! Dropped into Fatal Fields, got two kills early, got some average weapons, and hid in a barn for quite a while. Got super lucky with the circle a couple of times, and only had to move when we were in the final 10 or so. Watch a guy kill a guy, kill the first guy as he's looting - but don't have much better than a blue assault rifle. Three left. I'm hiding behind a tree, another guy is behind another tree, and the third is up on a hill. Circle moves...to my tree. Guy on hill falls to his death trying to get down to the circle. Other guy has to run across to make it...bam. Shot. Winner winner. 

Luck of the circle is way more important than good weapons I reckon. Did it with minimal weapons and ammo. Wild. 

Mind you, in another game, I had an orange assault rifle and fucked people up with it so there is deffs a benefit to having good guns too.

Fun game. But I still can't really build.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

New map! It's full of stuff.

The house at the south end of Snobby Shores, with the green flat roof, if you drop into the south side, to your left will be a wardrobe. Smash it with your axe and there's a secret passageway to a bunker, there's always multiple chests and ammo crates down there.

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