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Finally saw Deadpool and Wolverine and I wasn't exactly thrilled



I'll start out with the bad:

I know this isn't the fault of anyone working on the movie but I had every single cameo spoiled less than 12 hours after the movie released. So I can't really tell you if I would have enjoyed the surprises because there were literally no surprises.

I think maybe I just don't find Ryan Reynolds funny anymore? There was way too much "Look everybody he stuck that bladed weapon in his enemies ass and/or penis! Isn't that hilarious??" I know it's kind of Deadpool's thing too but I could do with a lot less 4th wall breaks (I'll get back to those in a second)

I feel kind of lame saying this but I have to be honest the scene where he was digging up Logan's grave upset me. That was one of the few comic movies that had emotional stakes for me and they kinda pissed all over it. 

For the most part all the comedy felt like a bunch of kids realizing their parent weren't around so they could curse all they wanted without getting in trouble.

Can someone explain the story to me? Why did Paradox bring in Deadpool in the first place? Why not just time nuke his world or whatever? Was it anything more than "people say you're special"?

Gambit really sucked outside of the big fight scene. Was that the joke though? I don't know but if that was the Gambit we would have gotten I'm very glad that movie was never made.


Now a little good!

X-23 is back! :w00t: I mean sure I got the surprise spoiled but in this case I don't really care. Laura is one of my favorite comic characters and to see her in the MCU or at least MCU adjacent was a thrill.

Love Dogpool but I love all dogs so that's not much of a surprise.

The fight scenes were all well done so I guess that counts?

The reminder that Elektra existed and her not caring that Daredevil died was funny

Oh yeah 4th wall breaks! I'm so tired of them but when Nicepool said "I can lightly tap the 4th wall too!" and looked right at the camera and just said "The Proposal" I laughed like obnoxiously loud. I was the only one laughing but I don't care that joke was made for me :lol: 

Cassandra Nova being killed by the power of friendship got me too


If you read all this I :wub: you for caring what I thought


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6 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

Finally saw Deadpool and Wolverine and I wasn't exactly thrilled


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Can someone explain the story to me? Why did Paradox bring in Deadpool in the first place? Why not just time nuke his world or whatever? Was it anything more than "people say you're special"?




In-universe, yeah, it was as simple as they were nuking his timeline, but Paradox was saving him because he was special or could be useful. It was a thinly-veiled metaphor  for how in real-life Marvel is nuking the Fox universe and starting over, but Deadpool's the only Fox property that's actually successful so he got ported over to the MCU as-is.


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I thought Deadpool & Wolverine was, if I'm being generous, 2 and a half stars. My biggest laugh of the movie was probably at a sight gag of a shoe store being called "Liefeld's Just Feet", because it turns out that when you've heard a superhero do a dick joke a hundred times it doesn't get funnier the hundred and first time.

It did what I hate modern franchises doing, and poked fun at how lazy and tired Multiverse stories are while still doing a Multiverse story. Lampshading it doesn't mean you're not also just doing it!

The fight scenes were, aside from being obsessed with people being stabbed in the dick which, again, doesn't become funnier the hundred and first time, a lot of fun, but absolutely zero stakes because they're built around two characters who are basically indestructible and immortal anyway, and in a franchise that isn't shy about using multiverses and time travel to bring dead characters back to life anyway. And I'm just tired of the trailer fodder of juxtaposing cheesy pop songs with violent fight scenes - Shaun Of The Dead was twenty years ago, get a new idea.

Mostly, so much of the film felt like a celebration of everything wrong with modern movies and pop culture. The jingling keys of references and "you recognise this guy, right?" standing in for a coherent plot or original thinking. It's the audience being encouraged to applaud corporate IP acquisition. Space Jam 2 for the MCU.

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My biggest reference joke laugh was probably the Black Adam jab because that whole "the balance of power is about to change" marketing push is to superhero movies as #August1Warning is to wrestling.

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Saw Deadpool, enjoyed it well enough! I think it helps I went in with tempered expectations based off of some reviews I've seen floating around. Also annoying that I had a bunch of cameos spoiled for me ahead of time. But I guess that's what happens when you wait 2 weeks to see the movie. 

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Saw Deadpool and I think would mostly echo what others have said, it does what it sets out to do. Enjoyment will vary based on how much you like Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds for two hours, so for me some of it hit and some of it didn't. As someone who has a reasonable comic background (albeit mainly ending in the 90s) I can't just laugh at a reference for the sake of it being a reference (it's very "the hundreds of terrible films that aped Scary Movie a decade ago"), so while Facebook adored every little nod I was fairly nonplussed. I imagine if I'd seen it first week in a busy cinema the atmosphere may have been better, as it was a few bits got laughs but lots didn't.

Spoilery bits if needed, and my take home:


With all that I've just said, comic accurate tiny Wolverine was superb.

Overall though I think I was expecting a bit "more" somehow. As Skummy says the multiverse is done to death, so to do it again in a fairly haphazard way (I know it's meant to be meta, but were all the characters in the void considered to be in the same universe? Blade certainly felt separate, and surely Deadpool and his Colossus are separate to first run X-Men bit part Colossus and Origins Deadpool? And are the Multiverse per Dr Strange/Spiderman the same as the Endgame/Loki timey wimey stuff anyway?) just felt samey. I can sort of forgive it given it's a throwaway comedy outing, but it was simultaneously that but also a farewell to the Fox Marvel films and also somehow not since he stayed there at the end? This is rambly, but it was somehow throwaway, very important, and inconsequential all at once, in a film where I'd assumed the takeaway is that Deadpool is now in the MCU which is not how it ended. I presume Fantastic 4 is the kickoff for the Fox guys to start to shift (Marvels needs following up), but does that include Deadpool and will he abandon the people he chose to go back to and render this whole film a bit pointless given his universe is actually dead. Too much blurring kayfabe...

The little montage at the end was nice, but also sort of hammered home the fact that the Fox films really drifted, with the F4 and last few X films being fairly naff. It felt like at times they were pushing for nostalgia for a "series" of films that other than the two linked X runs didn't actually have any connections other than the distributor.

I didn't stick around for the end of credits scene and having googled it I'm glad, the quarter full cinema that seemed to be sticking around wouldn't have laughed...


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I feel like the logistics of the "Fox Marvel Universe" stuff ended up being like "if we put too much thought into this we'll have to spend forever explaining things and 75% of our audience doesn't give a shit" and being fair, they were probably right.


But if you're in the 25% like me it's just like "wait, wouldn't there have been a Wolverine in Deadpool's actual continuity that they should have addressed? Obviously this movie doesn't take place in the same timeline as Logan, right?"


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1 hour ago, GoGo Yubari said:

I feel like the logistics of the "Fox Marvel Universe" stuff ended up being like "if we put too much thought into this we'll have to spend forever explaining things and 75% of our audience doesn't give a shit" and being fair, they were probably right.

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But if you're in the 25% like me it's just like "wait, wouldn't there have been a Wolverine in Deadpool's actual continuity that they should have addressed? Obviously this movie doesn't take place in the same timeline as Logan, right?"



I pretty gave up on trying to understand the timelines when he spoke to Happy in 2018 MCU (using Cable's time thingy?), got rejected by the Avengers then returned to his own universe to sell cars.

The other thing is as you say, if the Logan timeline isn't his timeline there may be a Logan (though we presume there's no Avengers, but there are Avengers in the timeline of this movie Logan), but if it is why not just steal 2024(?) Logan given he doesn't die until several decades later?

I should care about this less.

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Yeah. I think the way they handle the Fox movies really works impressionistically, stuff like the anchor being idea really capture how it feels to have watched much of those movies for two decades and I think that's broadly enough. But it's basically just Animaniacs/reference-gag cartoon logic and I hope next-to-none of it seeps its way into anything that isn't a Deadpool movie because that's basically the only thing that can really accommodate it.

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Wait...ya'll were confused by the Logan stuff?  They pretty clearly stated it...

Logan was the same universe as Deadpool, just farther in the future.  Logan dying in the future is the catalyst for the Fox universe dying.  Its just working its way backwards in time

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That sort of raises more questions though. If Logan (the film) is in Deadpool's universe then that means it's not in the wider X universe from the what, 7 or 8 films that I'd be more likely to call the "Fox universe" (which again is woolly given there aren't real links between Blade/Daredevil/either F4 etc). It doesn't really matter, but it was all just a smidge too meta and doesn't hold up to proper scrutiny. 

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I've only just really thought about what a cop-out the whole "anchor being" concept is too.

So there's entire universes that hinge on the existence of one person. How does that work, when you consider the lifespan of a human against the lifespan of a universe? These universes presumably existed for milennia before their "anchor beings" were born, so is there a predetermination aspect to this - were universes just waiting for their anchor being, or did those people do something to become anchor beings?

It's a conceit that works for a one-off sci-fi story so long as you don't think too much about it, but doesn't work at all for an established multiverse, except for the meta "we're killing off this universe because Marvel only cares about getting this one character from it", and even then, it doesn’t really work.

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More detail needs to be gone into, but I would assume that anchor beings are born as such and hold the position until their "natural" end point, at which time another would come into play... but if an anchor being dies prior to their natural end, maybe it causes the death of the universe because the next one wasn't ready?

What I loved about early MCU is that it seemed like they really cared about making sure everything meshed together. The farther we go, the less it seems like they're concerned about that. Really though, how hard is it to have a room full of nerds like us who can read a script, point out the issues and then help reconcile them to make sense within the grander scale?

You could call them Canon Fodder.

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3 hours ago, Skummy said:

I've only just really thought about what a cop-out the whole "anchor being" concept is too.

So there's entire universes that hinge on the existence of one person. How does that work, when you consider the lifespan of a human against the lifespan of a universe? These universes presumably existed for milennia before their "anchor beings" were born, so is there a predetermination aspect to this - were universes just waiting for their anchor being, or did those people do something to become anchor beings?

It's a conceit that works for a one-off sci-fi story so long as you don't think too much about it, but doesn't work at all for an established multiverse, except for the meta "we're killing off this universe because Marvel only cares about getting this one character from it", and even then, it doesn’t really work.

It's a Deadpool movie. It's just a joke.

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18 hours ago, Colly said:

That sort of raises more questions though. If Logan (the film) is in Deadpool's universe then that means it's not in the wider X universe from the what, 7 or 8 films that I'd be more likely to call the "Fox universe" (which again is woolly given there aren't real links between Blade/Daredevil/either F4 etc). It doesn't really matter, but it was all just a smidge too meta and doesn't hold up to proper scrutiny. 

I believe when Logan came out the filmmakers said it didn't take place in the same universe as the other X movies. It all got confusing as hell at the end though

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I think at the end of the day a big premise in Deadpool is making fun of the idea that people will just "go along" with convoluted multiverse lore. The more distance between me & the movie and I think a lot of the premise with how the movie relates to Logan is that it is meant to prod at the idea that everything *must* be connected to every other movie. Movies aren't allowed to stand on their own merits, etc.

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Wtf, now I'm extra pissed about RDJ as Doom, Mads was apparently in the running to play him, which not only would have been better casting, but would also have made way more sense in the whole alternates thing given his previous ties.

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Until I actually see the premise they are going with and see at least some of how RDJ will perform it I maintain it's trash. Wouldn't be the first time I end up being wrong but yeah hearing who we could have had makes it that much worse

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