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Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Thread


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Deadpool and Wolverine:


Of all the cameos I knew about, or expected we might see, Wesley fuckin Snipes was not even remotely in the frame.

I thought it was a load of fun, need repeat viewings but it's on par with Deadpool 2 for sure. I didn't see the hype that it was supposed to be groundbreaking or anything so maybe that helped. Really liked it.

Edit: obviously the classic yellow costume gets the spotlight but how fuckin good did the very quick flash of the brown costume (vs the hulk) look on Jackman? Loved the montage.


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46 minutes ago, Kaney said:

Deadpool and Wolverine:

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Of all the cameos I knew about, or expected we might see, Wesley fuckin Snipes was not even remotely in the frame.

I thought it was a load of fun, need repeat viewings but it's on par with Deadpool 2 for sure. I didn't see the hype that it was supposed to be groundbreaking or anything so maybe that helped. Really liked it.

Edit: obviously the classic yellow costume gets the spotlight but how fuckin good did the very quick flash of the brown costume (vs the hulk) look on Jackman? Loved the montage.



Loved the brown and yellow costume, loved Age Of Apocalypse Wolverine too. Heard rumours of Patch beforehand but none of Cavillrine was a suprise too.


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I freaking loved it. Maybe it's taking a full year off of watching MCU in the cinema, and that I just didn't have all the time to keep up with news on what surprises they might or might not be, but it was so freaking fun.

Had a blast from beginning to the end.


"Flame on!" definitely got the biggest laugh of the film for me, I just was not expecting it and completely forgot it could potentially happen. The fact that Pyro sucked his fire out in literal seconds and basically made him useless was even better.


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I was only sort of into it. Kind of a big problem for me that the parts of Deadpool and Wolverine I was the least interested in were, uh, Wolverine and Deadpool. Meanwhile, the performances that I got the most enjoyment out of were all new to the big screen from Matthew McFadyen, Emma Corrin, and...


Channing Tatum finally getting to play Gambit and playing him as absolutely ridiculous as possible. That was wonderful, and brought out a lot of Deadpool's freshest material.

I liked some of the ideas, I think they incorporated the TVA/The Void stuff in a way that plays a little better if you've seen Loki but doesn't feel necessary for you to have enjoyed it. Smart to basically use that stuff as a way to mostly pay homage to the ups and downs of 20th Century Fox's time making Marvel movies. As long as you don't stop and think about it too hard, that stuff's good. Chris Evans reprising Johnny Storm should have been an incredibly obvious twist but they set it up well enough that I was just like "oh it's just going to turn out to be a goofy Elseworlds Captain America."

Neat to see Wesley Snipes and Jennifer Garner again but those were a bit more "hey, remember them? They're here!" and nothing else. Thought it was really telling that I saw the movie in a packed theater of people who were reacting to everything and when Blade was like "some motherfuckers still want to iceskate uphill" there was at most a murmur of acknowledgment that that's the most memorable line from the first Blade. Reference for reference's sake.

The thing about the Deadpool part of the movie is just like the Marvel comics themselves, I'm usually the least interested in Deadpool when he feels like he's front and center instead of off in his own little corner and here most of his stuff felt completely played out. Frankly I missed most of his supporting cast, only Rob Delaney really gets to do much (and he's fun!). I think Ryan Reynolds has also just hit the Dwayne Johnson zone of being a Sentient Brand rather than an actor. Multiple things basically hinging on the idea that you know and care about him and that's always been there but I'm just over it.

Wolverine, eh. Love Hugh Jackman, got the same bit of dopamine from seeing him in the proper costume as the rest of the audience, but it's mostly just him saying "fuck" and not really having a lot going on that wasn't done better in Logan. "They're gonna have you keep doing this 'til you're 90" made me chuckle but also yeesh, they really are.


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Got off work early today and decided, since I was already 3/4s of the way to the movie theater, I'd do see DP&W tonight instead of tomorrow or Sunday.


I liked it.  I kinda figured Evans would be Johnny Storm since making him a Cap variant seemed too obvious.

Does Emma Corrin have weirdly long arms?  I didn't notice it on Murder At the End of the World, but when they were walking out of the sling ring portal, I thought "Their arms look really long"

But DAMN did they nail showing how Cassandra used her powers.  First time they showed   her fingers going through Wades head freaked me the fuck out

Also, Cassandra was lucky Madisynn and her pal Wongers didn't find out she has a sling ring

The joke about not understanding Gambit fell flat for me, since I accidentally bought a ticket to a theater with Closed Captioning, so I understood every word Gambit said.

Didn't like that the cast of the other two DP movies were basically reduced to cameos aside from Peter.  Did Negasonic even have a line?  Can Morena Baccarrin appear in a DP movie for more then 5 minutes at some point?


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1 minute ago, gunnar hendershow said:

Reeks of desperation with him and the Russos being pulled back in. I can only imagine what the paychecks are gonna look like.

tbh I can't imagine the Russos got too much of a bag given that everything they've tried to do since the MCU has seemed like even more of a failure than post-Russos MCU itself.

RDJ, though. I hope he's getting a ton of money to come up with a ridiculous accent that any other actor playing a character from Latveria has to try and replicate.

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5 minutes ago, GoGo Yubari said:

tbh I can't imagine the Russos got too much of a bag given that everything they've tried to do since the MCU has seemed like even more of a failure than post-Russos MCU itself.

RDJ, though. I hope he's getting a ton of money to come up with a ridiculous accent that any other actor playing a character from Latveria has to try and replicate.

I can only imagine the lengths he'll go to have a totally different vocal cadence from RDJ/Tony Stark.

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Anyway I guess they're going to try and go for a retrofuturistic aesthetic for the Fantastic Four movies and that sounds like fun. Hopefully those movies work out, I want a world where The Thing is one of the most popular superheroes for the first time since the 1960s.

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I don’t doubt that he’ll do a great job but that’s such a weird choice, unless he’s never going to show up unmasked.   I don’t want an MCU exclusive Doom that is just an evil alt universe Tony Stark.

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Hate this. I know they're struggling to move forward but this reeks of desperation. Doom is the greatest Marvel "villain" alongside Magneto, I don't want him tied up with other bullshit, I just want him to be DOOM.

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My jaw almost hit the floor when RDJ unmasked, but it took a moment for me to realise that my shock was not an "OMG!!" reaction, but a "WTF!!" reaction. Unless RDJ is going to drastically alter his acting style then it feels like a really poor choice, I don't want Doom to be a snarky know-it-all version of Tony Stark.

Perhaps what is irritating me the most is that the decision for both the Russos and RDJ is seemingly showing that they don't have any belief in the source material itself, and that any success the MCU has had thus far is because of the directors and the popularity of the cast. 

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