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Red Dead Redemption Part Deux

MalaCloudy Black

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I mean fuck, it why not go crazy with what people can do?  They're going to do it eventually to reel people back in or keep them around.  

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They may have already gone SLIGHTLY in that direction with the addition of the Ancient Tomahawk. (Which I haven’t found yet, despite unlocking it in GTA 5.) Also those suits of armor.

There’s other stuff they set up on the single player campaign too, like having a house get hit by a meteor or a goddamn robot come to life.

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On 30/05/2019 at 04:45, Josh to the World said:

They may have already gone SLIGHTLY in that direction with the addition of the Ancient Tomahawk. (Which I haven’t found yet, despite unlocking it in GTA 5.).

You can get the ancient tomahawk from the fence.

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Spent ages trying to shoot a rabbit for one of those challenges but I could only find jackrabbits, who are actually hares. Only to realise it wanted me to find a jackrabbit. Bloody fuck.

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I finally beat the final chapter and started on the epilogues. I was kind of disappointed in the end of the actual game. It just left me feeling like something was missing. I enjoyed the game though and I'll probably finish the two epilogues this weekend if I can. I've never played the online part of this but I hear that GTA V is much better so if I try any it'll probably be that one.

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9 hours ago, Arjen Robben said:

Quite annoying to make this all-time great single player experience and then just abandon it completely after the fact.

I don't recall any backlash at all when God Of War did the exact same thing, but I've seen a lot of anger for RDR2 for it. 

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I mean, I liked RDR online but there was only so much to it before you were grinding raids to unlock things and really after you have the Bonnie McFarlane skin what else is there to want.

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On 04/06/2019 at 14:34, Arjen Robben said:

Quite annoying to make this all-time great single player experience and then just abandon it completely after the fact.

Honestly, what made the campaign so good was the characters and story. I wouldn’t want them to modify any of that one bit. And if you’re just looking for stuff like additional weapons for running around and doing your own thing, you may as well just do it in the online version.

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If you've managed to do everything in the single player campaign as it is, then I salute you because with collectibles, hunts and all that, it's insane the amount of stuff in this game.

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33 minutes ago, Josh to the World said:

Honestly, what made the campaign so good was the characters and story. I wouldn’t want them to modify any of that one bit. And if you’re just looking for stuff like additional weapons for running around and doing your own thing, you may as well just do it in the online version.

I would, but I absolutely can't stand it online so...

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1 hour ago, Arjen Robben said:

I would, but I absolutely can't stand it online so...

You could learn to glitch yourself into a private lobby. Or just play in defensive. I barely come across people online in the wilderness. Usually Rhodes and Tumbleweed are grief hotspots

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15 hours ago, Arjen Robben said:

I would, but I absolutely can't stand it online so...

It’s really not that bad. Just mute other players. Every once in a while, I do get attacked, but you really suffer no penalty. Just press charges, then parley.

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Just finished the story for RDR 2. Was I just really slow playing or are the two epilogue chapters really fucking long? I even stuck around for the scenes in the credits which ultimately weren't worth sitting through but still. I enjoyed the game but because I've got so many in the back catalogue that I need to play, I feel like I didn't enjoy the play through once Chapter 6 was over. I was just more doing it to get it over with to say I beat it which is sad because it truly was a great game.

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I got really involved in the story and sped through the ending because I just wanted thing to come to a head. Once I found out about the epilogue I figured I'd clean up ALL the loose ends and stuff.. but something about it just didn't feel right. I wish I had a save back in Chapter 3 when everything was just... nice.

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