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Red Dead Redemption Part Deux

MalaCloudy Black

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I started the epilogue in spectacular fashion...


I rode out to go and have a look around the game world a few years later and immediately ran into a cougar, and naturally my horse bolted me off almost into its mouth. I went for a gun, and didn't have any because they weren't unlocked yet, so I just pressed O as much as I could and gave it a kick after shaking it off me. Then it died. I skinned it and have kept its pelt on my horse ever since as a reminder of the day I kicked a cougar to death.


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1 hour ago, Tigerstyle said:

I’m playing Assassins Creed after completing this and now realised all games are ruined because of how good RDR2 was.

No connection with characters and just missions that don’t mean anything and isn’t funny.


It's funny you should say that as I was playing Origins yesterday and I kept trying to interact with every NPC I saw, then I realised that despite the game-world being physically full, it felt kind of empty. Even the dialogue when travelling around sounds so studio-recorded compared to Red Dead. 

It really goes to show what an amazing job Rockstar did that a game as good as Origins feels flat in comparison.

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About two or three weeks ago, within my first couple days of playing RDR2, I started the storyline where you track down a bunch of legendary gunslingers from yesteryear, and did pretty much all of those encounters right off the bat, only to discover that I was going to have to wait until an undisclosed time to continue the storyline. Turns out it's in Chapter IV, where we're based in Saint Denis! And I have to go back to Valentine to continue the story! So I fast travel there... to get a cutscene saying that the characters I'm looking to meet up with have moved on to Saint Denis.

It kind of sums up my feeling on this game as a whole. I really like it, but I like it in spite of the fact that it's often really obstinate and infuriating. I guess maybe the timing of it is in part because there's also a story mission relatively close to Valentine but good god.

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Spotted an Opossum, aimed my gun at it and it flopped onto it's side like it was dead. Thought 'ha, that's a weird bug' and went to pick it up to skin it, little fucker jumped up and tried to run away. Then I remembered that Opossum's are known to play dead in an effort to hide from predators.

Rockstar thought of everything.

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6 hours ago, Gazz said:

Spotted an Opossum, aimed my gun at it and it flopped onto it's side like it was dead. Thought 'ha, that's a weird bug' and went to pick it up to skin it, little fucker jumped up and tried to run away. Then I remembered that Opossum's are known to play dead in an effort to hide from predators.

Rockstar thought of everything.


That’s actually the second to last challenge of the “master hunter” challenges.


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On 30/12/2018 at 19:33, Liam Mk2 said:

Epilogue spoiler:

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I have to say that the house building scene was one of my favourite scenes from any game. It was just wonderful. 


Serisouly, when I started that I was like "Oh come on Rockstar, I didn't want a minigame like this!"

By the time it was over?

I leaned back, opened a beer and went "Hell yea, I built a house!"

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I was hoping that it would transition into a Sims style game-within-a-game with wall and furniture placement and swimming pools. With this not being the case, I will be requesting a full refund and letter of apology from Rockstar for releasing such a half-arsed and shoddy product.

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I know I will love this game but when I was watching my brother play over the break while I was half-napping, I would always look up and be like "what're you doing?" 

The answers were such things as "getting a haircut", "chopping wood" and "bailing hay". 

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Finally managed to kill a cougar before it could kill me! And I got the Legendary Moose! And I hit maximum honor!

But, I rode into Saint Denis and got taken by surprise by (Major Chapter 6 spoiler):


Arthur has tuberculosis. 😢 This game is breaking my heart.


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On 05/01/2019 at 00:05, Josh to the World said:


But, I rode into Saint Denis and got taken by surprise by (Major Chapter 6 spoiler):

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Arthur has tuberculosis. 😢 This game is breaking my heart.



You say by surprise, which means his cough comes in so gradually that it can be missed I guess, which is pretty much how it should be. I only really noticed it in Guarma.

Also I can't help looking at Micah and thinking he is an ancestor of Michael PS Hayes.

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13 minutes ago, Rocky 2K19 said:

That location is just so good. The view atop the hill is amazing.

Yes it really is. Been doing chores around the camp, haven’t really ventured to the story yet. I’m just happy doing my part in the camp. Am I able to purchase crafting tools or any tools for that matter at this camp?

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2 hours ago, Paton said:

Yes it really is. Been doing chores around the camp, haven’t really ventured to the story yet. I’m just happy doing my part in the camp. Am I able to purchase crafting tools or any tools for that matter at this camp?

You can upgrade your camp a little bit further into chapter 2 but it’s nothing specific. Just all round general improvements to the camp.

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