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"What you've just seen"

but I didn't see it, Sea of Thieves guy. I didn't. I saw the unnecessary smoke effects and the crowd but not the game itself.

note to Hollywood: if casting actors to play geeks, please watch that gameplay demo for vocal notes

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A new console already? I mean it's good that Xbox games would be backwards compatible on it but it doesn't feel that long since Xbox One came out (I don't have an Xbox One, I went from 360 to PS4)

Plus as Baddar stated won't you need to get a 4K TV  in order to get the best out of 4K graphics?

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4 minutes ago, Davidmarrio said:

won't you need to get a 4K TV  in order to get the best out of 4K graphics?

Of course you would. 

I mean, I've seen some 4K tv's at a decent price recently, but I haven't bothered simply because I don't watch TV in 4K so there's no point.

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The PS4 (current version, not the Neo that'll be announced later) performs at 1.84 teraflops.

Scorpio is aiming for 6. Which is absolutely insane for a console. It's essentially aiming finally fully bridge the gap - consoles are going to be PCs now. This has been Microsoft's direction for a while now and it's becoming a reality.

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13 minutes ago, Davidmarrio said:

A new console already? I mean it's good that Xbox games would be backwards compatible on it but it doesn't feel that long since Xbox One came out (I don't have an Xbox One, I went from 360 to PS4)

It's also forwards compatible, with Scorpio games being playable on the One or One S, I think.

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1 minute ago, Mad Jack said:

It's also forwards compatible, with Scorpio games being playable on the One or One S, I think.

I like that, if true. Just because a company makes a game in pretty 4K, doesn't mean others shouldn't get to enjoy it, even if it's at 1080p, too.

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To explain further - the teraflop thing isn't necessairly a huge marker of performance but it's a sign of an amazing step in the right direction. The PS4 was 1.84 TF and the XB1 was something like 1.33 TF and you all remember the "oh PS4 is far superior" fight over that whole business. Rumor is there'll also be an octo-core processor and you're talking about something that is being made to sell the console gamer on buying a gaming PC without really knowing it.

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I'm not sure if maybe Phil Spencer feels he inherited something of a tainted brand in the One. He's been trying to right a lot of wrongs since he took over but with them still behind the PS4, maybe he sees this as a chance for a fresh start to do things in his image? 

Seems odd for them to cut the legs out from under the S only shortly after even announcing it. Not sure how I feel on the Scorpio but they've shown some games I would want to get. 

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