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FiFa 17


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Yeah I'm not sure what to think of it yet. It's definitely better than 16, which isn't exactly glowing praise, but the passing system still leaves a lot to be desired. That ball shielding mechanic is overpowered as fuck, too. It feels like the AI shield the ball almost every time they touch it and there's not much you can do about it. I did win my first game 2-0 on Legendary though, so it must be at least slightly better than last year. I anticipate a lot of 1-0 and 0-0 games still though. Eh.

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Initial thoughts:

Keepers seem to be much improved. They actually attempt and succeed at stopping shots now, but they're more prone to spilling the ball. Realistic.
We can actually counter attack with pace again! At least if FIFA doesn't decide to fuck your decisive pass for seemingly no reason!
Set pieces, especially corners, are gonna take a lot of getting used to.
Legendary is still frustrating. Every team plays like Barcelona and the AI appears to be able to do things you can't.
AI runs, strikers coming deep to collect the ball, and players actually showing for a pass are fantastic additions.
Unless you pass, shoot, or move before you actually receive the ball, there seems to be a slight delay in your player responding to your next control. Not a fan.
Passing is still weird. It'll be fine until the game inexplicably sends a pass in the opposite direction you were aiming, or over/underhit it for no good reason.

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3 hours ago, Baddar said:

That's gonna get spammed so much online. Hate it already.

Just two foot them from behind. What can possibly go wrong??? :shifty:

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I think I like this a lot, but I'm not quite sure yet. I just won a game 3-0 on Legendary (even with 4 minute halves). That would never have happened last year even with more time to play. AI defense is still ludicrous to try and get through, mind, and the balance of things isn't to my liking, but judging by the demo it blows FIFA 16 away.

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12 hours ago, MDK said:

Didn't realise you'd played with me

My Sunday league career was based on two footed tackles, pulling of the shirt and pushes. 

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