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Tom Clancy's The Division


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Me, @Lars Mulder and @ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster have it on Xbox.

I like that sometimes you have to unload a full clip into an onrushing enemy. This game is a challenge and that is what is great about it. FPS where you single handedly wade through wave after wave of cannon fodder enemies is boring.

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Sounds like someone has stolen my gimmick of saying 'Liniker' anytime anyone asked who was the man behind the random gamertag.

Except obviously on this occasion they chose a much better class of person to impersonate.

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19 hours ago, Gazz said:

Me, @Lars Mulder and @ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster have it on Xbox.

I like that sometimes you have to unload a full clip into an onrushing enemy. This game is a challenge and that is what is great about it. FPS where you single handedly wade through wave after wave of cannon fodder enemies is boring.

Speaking of challenging, I did the first Tech wing mission on hard last night. Joined a group of randoms and all was going well (I bloody love how difficult it is), until we reached the final phase.

Bascially, you climb up and drop down into a new area. Once you drop down, there's no way of getting back up, but staying up top is a sure fire way to die as there's no cover.

So I drop down ready to engage and my entire team just sit up top, backing up out of line of sight whenever they get shot at. This leads to a quick death for me, whilst literally nothing else happens since the enemies can't reach my team.

Went on for about 15 minutes until a couple left and I got leader. I was able to kick the other guy and finish by myself. Thankfully, the enemies scale down once people leave.

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4 hours ago, Whisper said:

Speaking of challenging, I did the first Tech wing mission on hard last night. Joined a group of randoms and all was going well (I bloody love how difficult it is), until we reached the final phase.

Bascially, you climb up and drop down into a new area. Once you drop down, there's no way of getting back up, but staying up top is a sure fire way to die as there's no cover.

So I drop down ready to engage and my entire team just sit up top, backing up out of line of sight whenever they get shot at. This leads to a quick death for me, whilst literally nothing else happens since the enemies can't reach my team.

Went on for about 15 minutes until a couple left and I got leader. I was able to kick the other guy and finish by myself. Thankfully, the enemies scale down once people leave.

Did they have bad armor or abilities? If so, 1 shot on hard or slight touch of fire can really end it for them. Although you would think since you did matchmaker, somebody had to set it up on hard and know they needed decent armor. 

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The more I play this, the more I really enjoy it. Considering I knew next to nothing about it before release day, it's been one of my better gaming purchases in recent times.

Only level 12, but just ventured into the Dark Zone for the first time. Pretty fun stuff. Accidentally went Rogue twice when people walked across my fire and once deliberately to try and steal someone's loot as they were extracting (I failed - killed them but got immediately gunned down). It makes for some cool scenarios when you aren't sure if the guy who you were just helping to kill elites is going to go merrily on his way, or turn around, blow your head off and steal your loot.

The penalties for dying as a rogue are super harsh though, which I guess is kind of the point.

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I don't think I have ever put that much time into a game in the first few days of release.  It's so addicting. I can literally go to base and spend 30 minutes sorting my inventory with a squad,  and not one person rushes you to hurry up because they're doing the exact same thing.  


Working on finishing up some events to have everything but the daily missions done. 

Final Story Mission

I was a little disappointed with the final mission. Not sure if I was just expecting it to be harder or for much stuff to happen after that seeing that chopper appear, I was definitely not expecting to see that chopper.

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Yeah, i've had so much fun just exploring and doing the encounters and side missions. I'm up to level 19 now, really need to progress the story, but my work pattern isn't compatible with me getting online at the same time as my friends at the moment. Don't really fancy going in with randoms. My flatmate meanwhile has ground it out in 3 days, max level, all yellow gear and now he's bored as he has noone to play with. 

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I'm only level 7 so far. I like the encounters and random side missions, and I get quite excited finding new loot, but just did a main mission at I think Hudson and it was dreadful. Just an annoying stream on the same enemies running at me and me shooting them. 

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8 hours ago, Cactus Drags said:

Yeah, i've had so much fun just exploring and doing the encounters and side missions. I'm up to level 19 now, really need to progress the story, but my work pattern isn't compatible with me getting online at the same time as my friends at the moment. Don't really fancy going in with randoms. My flatmate meanwhile has ground it out in 3 days, max level, all yellow gear and now he's bored as he has noone to play with. 

I had to keep up with my friends because the minute you fall behind, you're stuck doing missions with them and can't quite take down the enemies like they can. The game seems to scale up the enemies as well. I was playing with somebody else, and a mission that was one of the first ones in Manhattan had gone up to level 16-20 enemies, just because I was in his map.  I had to leave the map because it wasn't fun for him being level 7 and having to deal with that.  Once everybody is near mid 20's to 30, it makes no difference if you play together. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if anybody is still playing this, but there is a glitch in one of the high end mask you can buy in the base tech wing.  Apparently, once this is activated by an EMP/ flash, fire - you get constant heal until you die / go into a safe house.  Looks like the dark zone has players using it to their advantage, especially when going rogue. 


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3 hours ago, Ruki said:

That seems a little shady.

Finished the final mission last night. Level 29. Gonna get to 30 before I head back into the dark zone.

It's pretty damn helpful in the DZ6, esp solo or with 1 other, but PVP i agree.  

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I just got this about a week ago and have been playing if anyone ever wants to jump in, my PSN is finalfinally. It's a lot of fun, I think I'm like level 20 with a dz rank of 11 or so already. 

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  • 2 months later...

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