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The X-Men Thread


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It looks ok but I hate Apocalypse voice. Can't make out who the Four Horseman were, Storm, Magneto, Archangel and someone else. A distinct lack of Wolverine as well, unless I missed him.


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Looks to be a good film going by the trailer, X-Men is the only one that FOX has really managed to knock out of the park most of the times (except The last stand, fuck that flick). So with the likes of Storm, Grey etc. having new people portraying them they'll have enough to go on.

No Gambit in the trailer though, so that's no bueno

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Meh, it looks like another Singer X-Men movie. Middle of the road special effects, some scene of giant destruction involving a landmark, and an even numbered entry so Magneto isn't the main antagonist.  Didn't mind Apocalypse's voice, but Sansa can't really pull off an American accent.

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I think I liked the stuff about him being a god the best. "Some call me Krishna, some call me yahweh.." and then the MacTaggert/Beast exchange of

"And he always has four horsemen.."

"He got that from the bible."

"Or the bible got that from him."

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17 minutes ago, Benji said:

That line was great, and seeing him in movement has assuaged my fears from those original shitty photos. My one let down is that he doesn't have a booming voice like I've come to expect from the cartoon.

Yea, seeing it in action makes it look 100x better then the set photos made it look, but then again those photos didn't have any CGI applied to them, so it makes sense I suppose

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It think it looks awesome. I agree Apocalypse' voice is a little off, but the bit where he's angry and destroying shit sounds much better. 

I think the recent films (First Class, DOFP) have been much better largely because of the cast, and the latter allowing them this in continuity reboot is brilliant.  

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I think Bryan Singer tends to do X-Men mostly. Each film tends to have a bit of an iffy moment (Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike being essentially throwaway characters in the original films and Emma Frost in First Class) but mostly it works really, really well so I have high hopes for this. I was worried about the film based on the set photos of Apocalypse but the trailer has pretty much cleared those.

All I can so though is people had better bloody die in this film, they have to kill someone, the stakes should be incredibly high, higher than every before.

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I'd agree with that.  Cool opening sequence, then I found it to be pretty boring and uneventful until we ended with yet another "oh look, Magneto can't be trusted" moment.  It was somewhat saved by good performances, because Fassbender is an excellent Magneto.

Edited by Maxx
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