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7 minutes ago, kliq said:

So I'm going to get this game and actually play this year, unlike last year where the reviews were so bad that I didn't even open it.

I have a question about MyCareer tho. Is it only available for created superstars? I don't have any imagination so I would struggle with creating a wrestler. Ideally I would like to use an existing superstar :shifty: but if that isn't possible then what options are available to me? Can you download a created wrestler and use it?

You need to start from scrach skillpointswise (unless you pay 10€ for a bost), but you can copy a superstar for all the moves n shit.

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Finisher: Jack Hammer
Signature 1: Spear 2
Signature 2: Samoan Driver

No. I didn't have anyone in mind when I created my guy, why would you ask?

I've changed Finishers and Signatures a dozen times or more. Pop Up Powerbomb. Superman Punch. Ricola Bomb. All have been used. I like the Jack Hammer now because it is a good one to use for Pins to follow. And no-one has countered it yet either.

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Itami spends months attacking me while I'm more interested in other feuds, I finally snap and tell him he's made a mistake while talking to that hideous android and I'm turned heel? Bloody NXT smarks.

So, with how long it takes you to get points to upgrade, who's going for the Hall of Fame objective to lose every match for three years?

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I think I'll enjoy MyCareer mode if I use a CAW of a real wrestler, just can't get invested with what is essentially a generic, average CAW. Got a good Alberto Del Rio, could be fun, or perhaps one of the multitude of Jeff Hardy's, or actually, probably more likely, CM Punk.

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You get a ton of points once you move to the main roster. More per match and some for the authorety missions. For now i am getting 700-1000sp per match.

Fun thing about the mystery oponent. Seth (Current world heaviweight champion, i am going for the IC title) came out during the last match, i think he helped me but he got ejected fairly quick)

Next asigment is win with red head health... who came up with this shit? These are asigments for the oponent not for me.

Next... perform an OMG Moment, only need another 20k VC to be able to perform one. Wassent the dark side suposed to be easy?

I am so confused right now. I did not even have the chance to do the OMG moment i cant do anyway because Seth (who still is somehow in this even though the authorety is now in the red for me) was being chased around the ring by Ryback (current IC Champ) causing rusev to role me up for the cutsceen win.
Why is the IC Champion Chasing the World Champion in a Match that involves the Number 10 Contender? :D
The mystery rival still has not been revealed, one Smackdown till Hell in a Cell.

Up next, put on a five star match vs BNB and loose. At least i got power over that outcome. >_>

Nevermind, Seth and Ryback came out again, match ended in seconds. Good thing i still loose Authorety points. But i love that it feels like general WWE wackyness instead of just Match after Match with the ocasional ramp atack.

Seth + Me vs Ryback and random Dolph Ziggler at the PPV. Decent storyline. I am suposed to win by Submission.

Edited by Herr Matzat
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1 minute ago, Onion Apsham said:

Download time increased VERY significantly for me when it comes to Community Creations. They load in way faster too.

What console are you on? It seems to be centred on Xbox One and especially if the creation has a lot of logos

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Xbox One for me as well. It still takes a second to contact the servers on the initial image list, but as far as the WWE logo rotating and showing the creation - that is almost instant now. Getting into a guy and downloading him takes far less time than it did the last time I tried, though I did have an issue where a D-Von CAW said it was downloaded and then.. wasn't. But doing it again fixed that.

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My main character, "Mr Photogenic" "America's Sweetheart" Alex Kelley, uses the rapid kicks to the chest ("AK-47") as a finisher and once I unlock it the Koji Clutch ("Kafka Lock") as his second finisher. Sigs are a flying Knee drop and an octopus hold.

My second one which I do for laughs, called Bonnie The Murder Bunny, has a running big boot ("Rabbit's Foot") as a finisher with an F5 and headlock driver as signature moves also gave him the Mandible Claw (or in this case Mandible Paw) as a submission move.

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Is there any real benefit in creating shows in Universe Mode over just doing it the old fashioned way using imagination and a notepad? 

This is assuming the rivalries thing is as wonky as people claim, and that I don't care about random attributes. 

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