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Wimbledon 2024


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Djokovic had covid on December 16th apparently. So now he's probably gonna get in based on this harmless virus not affecting him and be really smug about it. Prick.

Although I did read that the PM said that exemptions weren't issued based on recent positive tests.

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He was also at a crowded indoor event on December 17th commemorating the national stamp he'd been awarded, so either they're lying or he's as much of an ass as we expected. Either is possible.

I do however fully expect him to compete in and win the Australian Open.

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The judge hearing Novak Djokovic's challenge to an order by the Australian government revoking his entry visa has dramatically overturned the decision.


But now, he has apparently already been re-arrested.


Djokovic’s Covid PCR test in Serbia – which his lawyers submitted to the court in Melbourne - states that his sample was taken on 16th December at 13:05. The official document states that his positive result came back the same day at 20:19. This leaves questions to be answered as to why Novak Djokovic was photographed maskless alongside many children at an awards ceremony in Belgrade on 17th December, the day after his positive test result.

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From the press conference, not word-for-word but close enough. I don't think I've ever known this happen outside of political comedy shows:

Reporter: "Did Novak test postive for COVID on the 16th December?"

Spokesperson (I think his brother?): "Yes. Is there a follow-up question?"

Reporter: "Is it true he attended an event on the 17th December?"

Spokesperson: "This press conference is adjourned."

  • Haha 5
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He's admitted to meeting a journalist despite testing positive, and as for the rest he's blaming it on his agent filling forms out wrong.

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