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Wimbledon 2024


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And I feel so much depends on the weather, so where is it raining in your bedroom? says:

I'm waiting for a big ace

And I feel so much depends on the weather, so where is it raining in your bedroom? says:

there you go

Yeah, I love being right.

Cue all the idiots with thier "OMG, TIM HENMAN IZ TEH SUXORZ!11! He threw this game away, but everyone always goes over the top when being critical of him. He's high in the ranks based on the fact that he is a good tennis player, but sadly enough he will never be the sorta player to breeze through tournaments and win them.

EDIT: Wow, one of them already beat my cueing......thats fast work. The only people that build him up as anything special are the media, and if you are stupid enough to believe the media when it comes to British sport, you are as stupid as the media are.

Edited by kevinnashwannabe
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USA are ranked the 10th best football team in the world. Are they? No.

Henman is good, the best we have to offer, and one of the better players around, clearly. But he isn't good enough to be one of the best.

But as I've said in another thing, a lot of the top players in Tennis (well, the South American/Latin players) get high rankings based purely on playing on one type of surface (it seems) and winning (see: America in the football winning competitive matches against teams like Honduras and Belize, or something like that), whilst at least Tim goes around and plays all the tournaments, even when he isn't very good at the clay/hardcourt surfaces. And as I've said before, he does punch above his weight, and does do generally pretty good in a lot of the tourneys.

EDIT: Well, at the end of the day, there are 4 Grand Slams a year, and 20-30 odd players (moving from surface to surface) who are good enough on thier game to win. This happens pretty much year in year out....so Henman not winning anything doesn't mean he is rubbish, because not many people that are near the top do, as they are generally olygopolised (oohhhh, big words) by 2 or 3 players each season, really.

Edited by kevinnashwannabe
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Guest Leeleemu

Yeah you are definitely right there, he did perform well in the French and US and at Wimbledon over the years but its just depressing for a British fan as we have no hope of winning a tennis tournament.

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The biggest problem is that I cant read a newspaper anymore because of how much shit they all talk, with this Murray guy apprently being a bigger star than Rooney. Yeah I'm sure he will be, idiots. He'll barely do no better than Henman I doubt, and he'll never be bigger than half the English footballers today.

Personally I think Henman is quite good, just there's too many better people out there. Expecting him to win is too much.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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It's alright, we have no hope of winning Football tournaments, either.

Cricket and Rugby, oh yeah, that's the way to go.

Personally I think Henman is quite good, just there's too many better people out there. Expecting him to win is too much.

Right, because us expecting someone to win is stupid? No. As fans, we HAVE to expect to win. We HAVE to believe that our sportsmen and women can go out and there and win it. Otherwise, what's the point?

Edited by Summers
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Yeah you are definitely right there, he did perform well in the French and US and at Wimbledon over the years but its just depressing for a British fan as we have no hope of winning a tennis tournament.

Oh, I agree. It always sucks when a sport that we invented/popularised, we suck at. At least the cricketers have sorted themselves out recently, and the Rugby team have won the world cup recently. Now for the football team to sort it out >_>

And Summers, I'd also say that there is always potential for England to win tournaments, as player by player, they match up against pretty much any of the big teams. But there is one big tournament every 2 years for us, and usually 6-7 teams good enough to win, and we never rise to the occasion. 2006 could be our year, who knows?

EDIT: And lastly, Summers, its called being realistic. I support Fulham, but I wouldn't expect them to beat Man U, even though I'd obviously throw my support behind them, and want them to win. Tim Henman isn't a championship winner, and is beatable (and can beat some bigger opponents as well), so we shouldn't expect him to do anything really.

Edited by kevinnashwannabe
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Mwahahahahaha Henman out...Now I wish I HAD laid the bet. 5pm Murray still in, Henman out...Woulda got great odds for Murray lasting longer than Henman...

And Nadal gone too...Good for Muller.

My view on tennis has always been that it's an individual sport, and for that reason it's not about countries or national pride...It's about supporting the players you like the most...And I've never liked Henman or his whole entourage.

I've been a massive Rusedski fan for the last ten years since I got his autograph at the first Wimbledon he played as a Brit.

Srichaphan, Kiefer, Mirnyi, Schalken, Kuerten....THOSE are the guys I support.

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The biggest problem is that I cant read a newspaper anymore because of how much shit they all talk, with this Murray guy apprently being a bigger star than Rooney. Yeah I'm sure he will be, idiots. He'll barely do no better than Henman I doubt, and he'll never be bigger than half the English footballers today.

Personally I think Henman is quite good, just there's too many better people out there. Expecting him to win is too much.

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Nadal is 18, isn't he?

And I'm not a big Rusedski fan, for some reason.

It's because he's Canadian. :P

I remember someone saying when Rusedski does well, we call him English, but when he does badly we call him Canadian.

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