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Wimbledon 2024


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It was getting noticeably dingy after eight when I was there Tuesday, albeit it was a bit more overcast. It's like when you play footie on the field as a kid and you literally keep going until you actually can't see the ball, but you know you'd have flicked floodlights on two hours ago.

Did I mention I was there Tuesday?

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Stupid decision, they usually leave it until you can barely see because it's pretty much dark. No idea why they've suddenly decided to change that policy now Murray is in the ascendancy. Hopefully he keeps his head on the restart and sees this thing through.

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BBC Sport must be trolling:

Thanks Tom Fordyce, this is Ben Dirs to take you through to the close. Alas, I swoop upon you like the Grim Reaper - tournament referee Andy Jarrett has stepped in and told the players the roof is coming on, to Murray's enormous chagrin...

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Even though it hasn't been the same outcome every time?

I don't think I've ever been so excited for two Grand Slam finals on the same weekend as I am for these. I fully expect to be a nervous wreck all day tomorrow and on Sunday, willing Sabine and Andy to get over the finish line and win the big one.

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Djokovic is 2-1 up in Majors, bit silly really.

And it's exciting imo, the two best tennis players in the world right now (outside of Nadal in France :P) facing each other for the first time at Wimbledon in the final. Everyone loves an underdog but I'd rather have Federed/Nadal 2008 than Nadal/Berdych 2010.

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The main thing I've taken from that match is that Amir Khan's girlfriend looks like a waxwork.

Wife. :shifty:

And come on Djokovic!

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