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MMA Tycoon


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Anyone else play this?

I've been playing it for a few weeks, one the surface, it looks pretty basic but there is actually a lot of depth to it. It's along the same lines as MyRacingCareer, which I know a few of us play.

Plus who doesn't love simming punching people in the face?

I was thinking of setting up an EWB alliance if we get a few players involved.

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Any tips for creating a fighter or just in general?

Sprawl 'n' Brawlers seems to be the most effective early build.

Plenty of points into Boxing and Wrestling. Then Punches, Striking Def, Takedown Def, GnP, Balance, Speed and Strength.

The older your fighter, the more points can be allocated but apparently 18 year olds can catch up with 25 year olds in 2 months real time.

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I played it for a bit, had like 3 guys in it. One was actually pretty decent, think he went like 6-1 before I got bored. Hope you guys have fun, though, it's super intricate with the training and the sponsorship and everything.

I started off 11-0 and have dropped to 12-5 because my sprogs keep getting matched up with more experienced fighters.

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Any tips for creating a fighter or just in general?

Sprawl 'n' Brawlers seems to be the most effective early build.

Plenty of points into Boxing and Wrestling. Then Punches, Striking Def, Takedown Def, GnP, Balance, Speed and Strength.

The older your fighter, the more points can be allocated but apparently 18 year olds can catch up with 25 year olds in 2 months real time.

If you're starting out and you have no one sending you money. The best way is to have 1-2 25 year olds for low level fighting and making some money. And using that money to fund a few 18 year olds that you're gonna train up to hopeful future greatness. (Give or take hidden traits, they can fuck you over big time).

Sprawl and Brawlers are effective and very popular due to the love of submission fighters on the lower end of the scale.

I personally played quite a lot a few years ago and a friend still plays it religiously (Seek John Hetfield, he might have work/tips for you).

One of my money fighters was a guy that had a lot of takedown defence (sprawler), and aside from that was really heavy on the punching. He was a SnB kind of guy, but he could go toe to toe with bonafide brawlers too.

Another BIG suggestion is to always go to a different gym than the default Cozad gym, Cozad are shit and they won't do anyone any good. Even the cheapest gym's are better than Cozad's, always. Find a gym that fits your training idea, or if you have the cash just go to the biggest and best gym.

Conditioning - This is the most important stat if you want to train people and have them become stars. Always max out conditioning at creation, because this means they'll last longer in the gym AND in fights. And this means they'll also recuperate faster after fights and training. More conditioning means more training, better fighters, and better fights. Max it, always!

Sparring is extremely useful, but it depends on how much people are sparring. If there's one good guy in the sparring group and there are 20 scrubs, that will mean it will take longer for the scrubs to improve because the good guy has to split his time with the rest of the scrubs. Either a small group, or a big group with lots of good fighters... but the latter is a very uncommon sight.

VIP is a thing that really helps you if you have it. You can track skill gains , you can see sparring schedules, you can have more fighters, you can auto-switch dirty clothing, you can scout opponents their skill levels and in turn see their tendency giving you an advantage in planning... It's one of the few games that really give you a huge bang for your buck in terms of what you get, it will help A LOT.

QFC you shouldn't ever do but once. That one time is to quickly match-up your new fighter and hopefully get a quick glimpse of his traits. Stuff like that matters because you can see if he might have a suspect chin, or a lack of heart. A bad destiny roll makes a huge difference in fights and his career, so even if he loses that QFC fight you might get an advantage of knowing if he might have a good hidden-roll, and if he doesn't you can cut him quickly and create a new guy.

Hidden Choice another big decision. I will sum these up in good ones and bad ones, the bad ones are pretty useless...

Good Ones: Adapt Gameplan, Big Heart, Granite Chin, Doesn't cut, FAST LEARNER(get this one, always), Natural KO Power

Bad Ones: Amateur Record, Never Injured, Popular Fighter, Self Confident

Adapt Gameplan, Your fighter is smarter during fights and will change his gameplan if something isn't working. At the start not really useful because he's one dimensional, but for project fighters important because later on he might switch from submission to KO-ing when the former isn't working.

Big Heart, it's harder to rock this guy during fights, and he'll have a bigger chance of surviving a tough patch during a fight. The Rocky-skill, quite useful but not the best hidden.

Granite Chin, Makes his head like piece of iron. Makes him very tough to KO directly, very important for everyone really, extremely important for sluggers.

Doesn't Cut, Makes it harder for him to bleed. Not extremely important, but it's nice if he doesn't start bleeding because cuts might cost fights.

Fast Learner, Every 18 year old you create needs this, this makes his skill improvements faster and causes him to catch up at a much quicker pace. For 25 year old's not useful because they're money fighters. Must-have for the ones you're going to build.

Natural KO Power, Speaks for itself, extremely useful for brawlers because it makes KO'ing people that much easier. KO's are nice to have.

Amateur Record makes your fighter a little bit more experienced, which shouldn't matter in a few matches.

Never Injured, injuries only happen post-fights and whilst they may keep you from training, it's still kinda useless because when you're not injured you never get injured from training.

Popular Fighter, makes your fighter a little bit more popular. Really Really useless because if he starts winning his starting pop shouldn't matter.

Self Confident, Your fighter is more confident during fights. It's useful in a way, but there are much better choices available that will make a bigger difference.

I probably have more suggestions, but I forgot them.

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Rich would be so proud of me, I just bought a gym that makes $20,000 profit a week for $1.

That's actually a great get. If you need any suggestions on running the place, I could give you some.

Edited by Jasonmufc
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Go on then...

If you're going for a top-end gym, get a top-class trainer so that every single skill training is covered. Next to that you need 2-3 Circuit Training coaches, preferably two on each days. Reason for all this is because coaches work the best when they have 5 or less students working with them during one part of the day.

If you're going for a cardio gym, invest in 4 top end circuit trainers, making sure you have every single possible option on every day-part (agility/balance/Speed/General). This way people can CT what they want, and hopefully not end up filling classes either.

And of course, make sure the condition and cleanliness is always maxed out. Bad condition makes training results worse, cleanliness ruins morale. Both things will cause people to flock to a different gym.

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So i'm currently 2-0 as a manager with this new try at the game. I gotta say that the same style can still win, and it feels good having a few wins to start out with.

My Muay Thai kicky/punchy guy started his career with an awesome Head Kick KO in a QFC fight. Also didn't have any negative remarks on the tale of the tape so he might be a talented guy, it's a shame he's 25 and won't train as quickly.

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