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Music Box girl is at a window at the top of one of the ladders in Central Yharnam, but don't ask me which one because it's been a while since I've been there.

Anyway, I was checking out some more of Cathedral Ward, came across two hunters to the right of Vicar Amelia's room and they were a lot easier to beat than the hunters in Central and Old Yharnam which was nice. Then I got grabbed by something invisible and massive who seems to have taken me to somewhere I've never seen before, and that's horrible.

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That big invisible thing killed me, so I haven't been back yet. Beat Paarl, beat the old man blocking the way to Cainhurst, now a part of the Vileblood covenant, and I've got the graveyard armor set, so I look like a leather klansman :shifty:

And I'm currently trying to be Rom, the fatass spider, who makes despise how many enemies the PS4 is capable of generating on screen at once.

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Finally bested Paarl on my, like, I dunno, 10th try or some such. Felt so good.

Fuck knows where to go next, I know the Forbidden Woods are next to Cathedral Ward but I dunno, I'm scared. :(

I ran into Paarl and got my ass handed to me :( Couldn't get a rhythm going and just kept getting killed

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Been splitting time between this and Xenoverse.

I'm in Old Yarhnam and mostly just leveling up right now. I try to shoot the bastard off the top of the tower every time but he gets the best of me and lunges forward just before I take him out. It's a vendetta now... I'm figuring I should grab the repeating pistol to take him out easier. I made it along the rafters of the cathedral that he's on, but left before I dropped down into the main room because I didn't know if the monster hanging from the chandelier would wake up and I had way too many echoes to think about losing them at that point.

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Do enemies level up when you do? I know some games that happens and kind of kills the point of grinding. I just got this game yesterday in the mail so I might fire it up on Thursday when I have a day off.

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Nope. You'll find stronger versions of enemies the further in you go, but the ones from the first area will always be at the level they were.... unless an event happens in the game to add more enemies to an area that they weren't initially, I wouldn't put it past the game to do this.

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There was a monster on the chandelier in that room? Been through a few times and never noticed it. Easiest way to deal with the guy on the roof is to get him to become friendly, then attack! He rolled backwards off the roof and killed himself during our encounter. Out of fear of me, no doubt.

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Turret guy unwittingly committed suicide on me too. :lol:

I made it to the bottom of that area but got killed by the blood starved beast a few times so I need to re equip and try again.

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My friend has the turret guy roll off the roof. Me on the other hand, I had to fight him about 8 times until I finally killed him.

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I got slightly further in this game! I can level up and know where the first boss is now! I'm not really someone that needs to experience this shit without guidance, any suggestions for going ahead? Do I probably want to level up a bit first and try buy the first set of armor from the shop?

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It's never a bad idea to level up as much as you can because it'll not just be of benefit for that boss battle but for going further ahead you'll have a slight advantage. You can normally get to a point where you can kill a lot of the enemies fairly easy and know where they are/what type of attacks they'll do etc.

What type of character are you? Because for example I just focus on vitality/endurance/strength and skill for levelling up so I tend to look at armour that favours them slightly. That'll help you decide whether to get new armour or not.

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I beat the Blood Starved Beast on my second try! I was pretty pumped last night, I killed the two hunters in Old Yernham and lost to the beast once in what turned out to be a one hit kill move. I almost put down the controller but the evening didn't feel accomplished enough, so I said I'd try him one more time. He poisoned me a split second before I killed him so I died instantly after but thank god it still counted.

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I approve of this and the loading screens that give you something to read.

Since I've died a few times to the BSB I was like "You know, I'm just gonna go somewhere else for a bit.", spent 10k on the emblem thing in the shop since I had a fair idea of where it'd work and lo and behold it did. Went off and explored quite a bit of a wooded area before wussing out about potentially running into a boss whilst I had 40 thousand souls. So now I've run back to a bonfire and I have almost 60k burning a hole in me pocket.

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Nothing more depressing then having a ton of souls, dying then being in the panic of "shit I have to go back there and try and get them without dying"

Least if you manage to pick them up again they aren't gone forever. It's horrible when you end up dying trying to get back to where you died before

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