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So...whats everyones opinion on that?

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My first reaction when watching the gameplay was thinking what a waste it was, because a tactical, top down real time/RTWP squad based game with destructible environments, real time lighting and particle effects, and modern AI and graphics could probably be a lot of fun...

...but fuck everyone who thought THAT THEME was a good idea for a videogame.

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When I read those comments above before watching the video I thought "what, is there some stupid dubstep shit over it?" and then I watched it and... yeah.

Honestly even trying to view it impartially the dialogue and voice acting was terrible. But then, yeah, the idea for it is horrible. Like it doesn't seem that far removed from basically being a game where you're just re-enacting a school shooting or something.

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Next murder simulator.

But yeah, it's daft. It's shock for the sake of it. Apparently the developers claim they're going against the trend of political correctness in games and the idea of "games as art", and bringing gaming back to its original state as a "rebellious medium".

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Cloudy kinda echo'd how I feel about it. Since Manhunt or so, violent games have tried to get away from the whole "murder simulator" thing. Games like CoD, Modern Warfare etc have seemed to go "Well your s soldier, so..." while the makers of Manhunt, Rockstar Games, have taken their games to be either more "dramatical violence" like movies (L.A. Noire) or more pop culture parody (GTA:V and GTA:O), while Ubisoft has tried to put it in a historical conspiracy context

I consider myself pretty numb to videogame violence. Wolfenstein 3D came out when I was 11 and I remember playing it at a friends house shortly after it came out. I've only fired a real gun 1 time in my life, when I was 14 at a day camp. The trailer for this game made me actually sit back and go "Oh...this is a bit too far..."

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I admit I never played Postal..to me it seemed like Diablo with guns and no demons

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This was done a decade or more ago with 'Postal'. Even the camera angle is the same.

This is what it reminded me of the first time, and I liked that game when I was... 14 or so. Now when I look back at the game I'm shaking my head and going ''Why the fuck did I ever play that''.

It's the same mentality I now have about this game.

This is creating a shitstorm for the sake of creating a shitstorm, and doing it under the guise of ''art'' and ''entertainment''.

If this becomes somewhat of a thing, you can bet your ass FOX is going to have a schoolday on gaming as a whole once more, because this shit is exactly what reinforces their boneheaded mentalities about video games.

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Surprise. Shock. Horror. Unapologetic cartoon franchise South Park was the only video game out of 458 titles to fall foul of Australia's conservative classification board last year.

In fact, South Park: The Stick of Truth, was refused classification twice in the 2013-14 financial year, with a revised version of its longest-running joke failing to meet the review board's R18+ guidelines.

The main offending scene involved the abduction and then anal probing of a sleeping child character, as well as several adult male characters, by aliens.

The board's decision attracted 51 complaints from Australian gamers as the scene was released uncensored in North America.

"While the board acknowledged that the game was satirical in tone and intent, the content exceeded what is able to be accommodated within the R18+ guidelines," the Classification Review Board's recently released annual report says. "Implied sexual violence that is visually depicted, interactive, not justified by context or related to incentives or rewards is not permitted."

A third version of the role-playing game was finally granted a R18+ classification on November 21 after the scene was replaced by a cartoon of a crying koala, along with a "censored" headline and a brief text description.

Probing is a long running joke in the South Park franchise. The first-ever episode of the satirical cartoon was titled Cartman Gets an Anal Probe, which was shown on SBS in the late 1990s.

Saints Row IV and State of Decay, the only two games refused classification the previous financial year, were also addressed in the annual report after edited versions finally earned them classifications.

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I've been looking around and no-one seems to have anything positive to say. Thankfully it looks like this pathetic attention grab will wind up tanking the studio.

The only thing I'm expecting that by the time this game tanks hard, the damage has already been done in the media. Because this is exactly what the Media wants to once more put the blame on video games for the state of our fucked up society.

I have the feeling that gaming has been finally getting away from all that negative attention. And even the GTA5's biggest controversy were a bunch of celebrities being satirized. (And the torture scene)

If the media gets one whiff of this product, you can expect that we'll be right back at the start. Because the media don't care about the fact that this is a fringe game that's a pathetic attention grab. The only thing they see is a violent game, and they will teach every housewive that every child in the world is playing it and are one step away from shooting up their school.

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I've been looking around and no-one seems to have anything positive to say. Thankfully it looks like this pathetic attention grab will wind up tanking the studio.

I'm actually noticing all too many comments congratulating the developers on "being edgy" and "going against the mainstream," :facepalm:

Lmao but yet movis like saw and yadada get huge blockbuster debuts that parents take their kids to see. Maybe if you were not such shitty parents you could love your kid and show them right from wrong.
oh yeah btw people are feeding THEIR familes from selling this game.. just a little thought for all you parents out there. And if you are a parent and you think when this game is released your kid is vunerable to mental sickness, you are a shitty parent and need to start focusing on YOUR child and stop focusing on what other people on youtube are doing. You people are fucking pathetic. 
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The bullshit statement from the studio about it is aggravating as well. Some flimsy "we're provoking questions" shit, fuck off pal.

No, I don't think the content has gone too far. It's just shooting virtual characters and if anybody has a problem with distinguishing reality from a game, he should turn off his computer and go for a long walk. :) We do what you can find in so many titles, we just don't want justify it. If someone doesn't like the game and feels disgusted with its content, he doesn't have to play it - plain and simple. It's definitely not game for everyone.

In times where a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment, [we] wanted to create something against trends. Something different, something that could give the player a pure gaming pleasure. This is how the idea of Hatred - the team's first game, was born."

Here comes our game, which takes no prisoners and makes no excuses. We say 'yes, it is a game about killing people' and the only reason of the antagonist doing that sick stuff is his deep-rooted hatred. Player has to ask himself what can push any human being to mass-murder. We provoke this question using new Unreal Engine 4, pushing its physics (or rather PhysX) systems to the limits and trying to make the visuals as good as possible.

Just don't try this at home and don't take it too seriously, it's just a game. :)

It's not provoking questions to just set up this lunatic character wanting to go on "genocide mission" killing civilians and then just releasing a statement basically saying "GO ON, HAVE A THINK". Why don't you do the fucking work instead, do more than just set up some gravelly voiced prat dressed like The Undertaker and going "the world though :( I hate it :("

Even that "we do what you can find in so many titles" doesn't even hold up considering most games don't set the objective as being to simply murder innocent people with brutal executions. Even in GTA most of the people you're required to kill are people who are already criminals themselves and have tried to, or will try to kill you too.

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