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Regarding Zoom Identity


I actually thought we were going to get the reveal this past show with one of those post credit scenes they like to do. I figured we'd find out Harry from that episode had been Zoom all along.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So after watching the latest episode, am I the only one who thinks that "Harry" is right about Garrick. Fear has always held him back. I can really see both sides of the argument especially considering nothing ever goes right when you use a man made drug on these shows, but if it's what it takes to bring down a madman who could wipe out the entire city and possibly the world, I wonder if the greater good is what you think about here.

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I'm beginning to believe "Harry" hit the nail on the head about Jay. But I'm not thrilled at all how Jay has been used on the show, because Jay was always my favorite Flash in the comics.

Really enjoyed the crossover. I swear they could do one with no costumed action at all and it would damned entertaining just from the way the characters interact. I will say, however, that other than the helmets, I'm not a big fan of the Hawks' costumes. I wish the coloring was different and their arms were more exposed.



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I didn't mind the costumes much, my only gripe is Hawkman doesn't look big enough when he's in it. I didn't realize the actor was decently big till the flashbacks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of the crossover here, since I'm still a season behind Arrow, aside from this episode; Oliver is an idiot.  Wow, turns out a girl lied to you 10 years ago and you actually have a kid.  Clearly this is life shattering news you'll never be able to recover from and can't tell Felicity about because...she'll understand?  It's terrible characterization, its not just that Oliver doesn't trust Felicity, he thinks she'll react in a way that is completely opposite from how she's ever been portrayed.  It makes him seem utterly delusional.  Wow, turns out you had a kid, bring your new girlfriend and go meet him, you schmuck.

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Because her Father got her one when she was a kid, clearly.

The same father that was killed by Weather Wizard, because they hadn't slammed that point home enough.

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14 hours ago, Maxx said:

Speaking of the crossover here, since I'm still a season behind Arrow, aside from this episode; Oliver is an idiot.  Wow, turns out a girl lied to you 10 years ago and you actually have a kid.  Clearly this is life shattering news you'll never be able to recover from and can't tell Felicity about because...she'll understand?  It's terrible characterization, its not just that Oliver doesn't trust Felicity, he thinks she'll react in a way that is completely opposite from how she's ever been portrayed.  It makes him seem utterly delusional.  Wow, turns out you had a kid, bring your new girlfriend and go meet him, you schmuck.

Being on an island for years and encountering the things he's encountered doesn't exactly lend itself to normal, or what we would consider normal behavior when it comes to people. Not to mention he wasn't all that in tune with people before he was stranded on the island. But this is more an argument for the Arrow thread.


As for eye reflections, it's still somewhat of a procedural inside a comic book show. :P

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In fairness/kayfabe, the reason Ollie didn't tell Felicity is because the mother threatened him with not being able to see the kid if he told anyone about it.


Of course, that doesn't hold up to scrutiny, because, well, how the fuck would she know if he told anyone? I mean, he is Green Arrow. Guy can keep a secret hidden.

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1 hour ago, Forky The Snowman said:

As for eye reflections, it's still somewhat of a procedural inside a comic book show. :P

Oh I know, realism in a show about a guy who runs at super speed and who fights people from other dimensions, giant sharks, and giant gorillas, it's just one of my pet peeves, and I'd be a hypocrite for not being annoyed at it in this when I get so annoyed about it in other shows.

1 minute ago, Steeb said:

Patty would concur though. :shifty:


Speaking of, when does LoT begin, and is  it doing the same as Flash/Arrow in the 1 week delay for UK viewing?

Mid-January in US I think, Feb in UK.

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