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True Detective


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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got round to watching this and the show is one of the best i've seen. The writing is fantastic and the development of the characters throughout is interesting to see play out. The whole southern gothic/cult scene is quite an interesting story to go with as its not something usually done in terms of crime dramas so that in itself helped for me, plus the casting was spot on. Matthew McConaughey is the star of the show, the character of Rusty has that sense of intrigue about him and the relationship with Marty and how that changes through out the show was nice to se play out.

I wasn't too sure what to expect after the first episode and I managed to watch 7 of them over the weekend, really excited to see how it ends in the final episode and I can't wait

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vince Vaughn lights things on fire! Colin Farrell wears a cowboy hat! Taylor Kitsch rides a motorcycle! Rachel McAdams has mad knife game! TRUE DETECTIVE SEASON TWOOOOOOOO :w00t:

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  • 1 month later...

It was a little clunky in spots but that's pretty much par for the course for pilots, especially ones that need people in certain spots by the end of it. Solid premiere otherwise and definitely looking forward to seeing the case unfold.

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Started off really well, middle got a bit tired, end stretch was decent. Loved everyone's performances, but couldn't help but feel like the story is a tad lacking so far, but Season 1 was like that for me too.

Yup, pretty spot on. My view on last season is a little skewed I think as well, because I binge watched the less interesting bits. So far the only bit that's not at all interesting to me is the stuff with the Cop. Also sad to say that Vince Vaughn's plot was a bit too long winded and wordy for me to really absorb much.

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Started off really well, middle got a bit tired, end stretch was decent. Loved everyone's performances, but couldn't help but feel like the story is a tad lacking so far, but Season 1 was like that for me too.

Yup, pretty spot on. My view on last season is a little skewed I think as well, because I binge watched the less interesting bits. So far the only bit that's not at all interesting to me is the stuff with the Cop. Also sad to say that Vince Vaughn's plot was a bit too long winded and wordy for me to really absorb much.

I get the feeling this could end up being more bingeable. I need to re-watch last season to compare structure but it is interesting how they used the premiere as you would a prologue in a novel.
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Didn't watch the first series but checked this out 'cause I'm a huge Colin Farrell fan, and I like Vince Vaughn's work as well.

NOT disappointed.

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I just turned it on and Leonard Cohen's 'Nevermind' is the fucking theme.

I am in love already.

As much as I think "Nevermind" is a nice song, "Far From Any Road" is the one thing I wished they had kept from last season. That intro just got me so pumped up for the episode that was to come.

It was an okay first episode, I think the Vince Vaughn bits and the parts where Rachel McAdams just so happened to bump into her family members on two separate cases in one day were my least favorite parts. I'm afraid that I'm sub-consciously going to compare Vaughn with D'Onoforio's Kingpin, because they seem to have a bit of the similar bad guy mob boss feel to me.

EDIT: Oh, and almost every female character had their characterization somehow defined by their sexual appetites and prowess. It was like Pizolatto didn't know what characteristics to give his female characters, so all of them had to have some kind of sex-related scene happening to introduce them to the audience.

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It was an okay first episode, I think the Vince Vaughn bits and the parts where Rachel McAdams just so happened to bump into her family members on two separate cases in one day were my least favorite parts. I'm afraid that I'm sub-consciously going to compare Vaughn with D'Onoforio's Kingpin, because they seem to have a bit of the similar bad guy mob boss feel to me.

EDIT: Oh, and almost every female character had their characterization somehow defined by their sexual appetites and prowess. It was like Pizolatto didn't know what characteristics to give his female characters, so all of them had to have some kind of sex-related scene happening to introduce them to the audience.

1. McAdams only happened to bump into her sister, she knew her dad worked at that place.

2. All three of the main characters have sexuality-related issues.

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I just turned it on and Leonard Cohen's 'Nevermind' is the fucking theme.

I am in love already.

As much as I think "Nevermind" is a nice song, "Far From Any Road" is the one thing I wished they had kept from last season. That intro just got me so pumped up for the episode that was to come.

Ditto, I was sort of hoping they'd pull a Wire and do a variation on the song fitting with the theme of the season.

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