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Now I'm used to it, the driving isn't so bad - it's very old style driving, where collision detection is nearly forgotten and it plays to speed. I think years of adjusting to more realistic driving in other games just forces you to think in that mindset when driving. Still hate the fact that everything graphically potatoes out when you're driving fast though, I don't really care about graphics that much, but when half the world turns into untextured cubes it's not exactly ignoreable.

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Did the car park this morning as well. Actually ended up in a chase across the city. I started quite well with quiet take downs but managed to spook the leader with an explosion so he tried to make a run for it. Thankfully managed to stop him with a pile up at traffic lights quite soon and took him down when he tried to escape on foot.

Really like that there seems to be lots of different ways you can do thinks in this, will give a bit of replayability I think.

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Last night at the end of a mission the police were chasing me. I drove into a small street but crashed into bollards at the end. My phone was out of charge so I couldn't get them down at that moment.

Half a dozen cars piled in behind and around me trying to block me in but I managed to pull out, turn around and ram the car back out of the street, flicking up the bollards behind me, trapping all the cars in the tiny street. That was a fantastic end to a useless piece of driving and not thinking.

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Learned something new today...

You can shoot baddies 2 times in the leg and it won't count as a kill. So John Reese away :)

Thank fuck for that. Means the sniper rifle is suddenly useful.

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Just noticed that, when viewing the map, the buildings are actually 3D models when you start zooming in. Feel a bit slow just noticing, unless nobody else has <_<

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