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Watch Dogs


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Just unlocked one of the ctOS things. Pretty fun to just sit behind a dumpster and try to hack stuff through the cameras. Ended up putting some protectors up on top of a roof, snuck up there, and just shot the guys in the area.

Also, how do you sell stuff at a pawn shop? I only have options to buy things.

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Just found my new favourite thing, when escaping quickly in a car or on a bike head straight for a closed shutter underground car park, open shutter just in time, drive straight through and open the shutter on the other side. Feels smooth as when it works.

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Kind of spoiler about badboy 17...

... eww. It went all Girl with the Dragon Tattoo rip off in design.

Saw that coming from a mile away.

I mean, she's in the menu screen guys.

I like her though

Not going to play for a while. Hopefully DEDSEC are less Scrappy-like then they come off as. I mean, for a group that can tag a QPC tag over multiple buildings so you can't see it unless you look at it from the right angle, they seem remarkably clueless about getting past a few guards.

Though that's just my impression given that

The security around the ctOS hotspot was supposedly ramped up after they tried to hack it, so I imagine they just had a couple rent-a-cops before.

Aiden is pretty awesome though. He's like a modernized pulp detective and I'm all for that.

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I haven't killed yet unless I had to for a mission - and I believe the only time I've had to so far was when I was doing a convoy. It was rather simple in execution.. I parked a car in the middle of the road and when they were coming up, I caused a traffic light incident. Popped some cover, lined up my shot and the only hitch was.. they took off the SECOND my gun came out. I managed to shoot the driver though and took out the guy as he tried to run off.

Best thing was, since I was hiding the remaining guards didn't see me as I walked away.. but then I started to jog for the train steps and they started firing. A train was just taking off but I managed to hack it to stop, got on and rode it three stations - making sure it never stopped each time, making the getaway. That defiantly felt slick.

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So am I the only one just killing everyone without remorse? >_>


I kill "bad guys", gang members in hideout sidemissions, some chumps who came after me after a couple of missions and a few security guards (they always have details that make them sound like scumbags so NO REMORSE!) I don't run around the streets killing folk though.

Completed all 10 chess "checkmate" challenges on three stars. Completed the first drinking challenge, a couple of cup/ball challenges and half of another chess challenge. They're all fun. Hunting down the casino and poker ones tonight.

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Have another area unlocked as far as having the towers able to be hacked. I really like the little districts having the one main ctOS area that requires you to get past the enemies in order to unlock the towers. Ended up unlocking the SVU sniper I believe from one of them.

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I haven't had a fight as such yet, even when I've had to kill guys it's always been with the silenced pistol from a hidden position or using hacks.

I like the way there's a certain freedom to things. Like you just get given the situation then it's up to you.

Also the AR parkour side game is cool.

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I go stealth until it fucks up, then anyone is fair game.

At some points it's just impossible and frustrating to try and knock everyone out, so I pull out the silenced pistol and start blasting.

Haven't killed random people on the streets, because every time I do I get a down ranking. I don't know what that effects, but I assume it's bad. >_>

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