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Getting away from cops can be tricky, especially if you're in a vehicle. I'm not sure if you actually need to be really far out of their range to hide, or if you can turn a corner, hide in the car and be good as they pass by a few seconds later.

I did one digital trip... Whatever the first one is (driving around with a soul meter or something). Seems interesting.

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Man, I just spent the last handful of hours just fucking around in this game and I'm having tons of fun. So far, definitely worth the purchase.

Also, I have 0 problems with the driving. I actually find it quite intuitive.

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The acceleration is weird to me solely because it goes from being extremely floaty to very weighty in a few seconds.

You accelerate and the cars feels out of control, then it kinda levels out and the car is pretty easy to control.

I have still only played around 1-2 hours of the game, I think I'll start later today, since I got a long weekend thanks to Jesus taking a ladder to heaven.

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:lol: I am stuck on the first mission! Not like that it's hard I just have no idea where to go

I was the same, it's not very intuitive. You basically have to get outside of the police's search range (a big white circle like old GTA games), which is easier said than done with the shit driving and the fact the police seem to be powered by rocket fuel when trying to catch up. Just basically keep driving in one direction for as long as possible to try and get out of the circle that you can't fucking see until you're near the edge of it <_<

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I for one love the search grid thingies that pop up before you get chased.

Yesterday I tried one of the early missions where I had to hack something, and I ghosted the entire thing and using camera hopping I got into the system and hacked it.

Then the search grids came on and I had to run for my life out of a back door and I failed to outrun the grid, so a pretty awesome chase ensued which ended in me closing a safety barrier causing two cop cars to smash head first into them.

The chases are pretty awesome, the hacking really adds to the chase and the cops are smart enough to slam on the brakes and go around the obstacle if there's a chance.

Also, I don't know about the rest of you. But gunplay is pretty damn challenging compared to GTA, you really must jump into cover even against a small group of enemies because the mooks are deadly accurate if you give them the chance, and they aren't shy on jumping behind cover, flanking you, and putting you in a bad spot.

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That'll be the hot rod one.

Are all the games similar apart from different surroundings?

The flowery one you bounce in the air from flower to flower while he giggles deliriously "I'm flyyyyyying". Amusing.

Driving is fine. Bikes give a great sense of speed and I like the changinf in weight of cars - it's a bit like real life with the changing weight distribution depending on your acceleration and braking.

Shooting is good and enemies love a flank - happened to me in an early mission on a building site.

My one main complaint at the moment is the graphics. They feel a bit washed out in certain lights. Considering what was shown a couple of years back, they're not the very zenith of PS3 graphics.....and I'm not a graphics hipster, I love pretty games.

The last time I had to escape police I went over the bollards and pulled them up just after I went through. Police smashed into them. That was brilliant.

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Stopping the police is pretty fun. I've managed to have them crash into the blockers a few times, ended up getting an achievement somehow when I came to a gate, and put a bridge up. Unfortunately the bridge didn't stop the police, but I rounded back and did the jump over it, parked the car and hid to escape them.

I do like the little yellow circles that pop up before you become wanted. I imagine it actually gives you a chance to avoid the police all together, but I haven't managed to make it outside of one yet.

The driving just takes some getting used to, since the only driving I've really done the past few months has been GTA (and now Saints Row The Third the past week).

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I tried to start my next mission but I was stopped because someone was apparently hacking me. Is this the game is that actually someone online? He seemed pretty easy to kill is all.

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I tried to start my next mission but I was stopped because someone was apparently hacking me. Is this the game is that actually someone online? He seemed pretty easy to kill is all.

Mmmhmm. Most people I've run across are idiots who start doing things that NPCs don't do.

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Yeah after that it unlocks it for real. I keep getting offers of challenges pop up but have been ignoring them so far.

Just found my favourite description of an NPC though: "Procrastinator".

I hacked someone and it turns out that some NPCs "work" for some company and when you hack them it increases a bounty on you. Bah.

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Yeah after that it unlocks it for real. I keep getting offers of challenges pop up but have been ignoring them so far.

Just found my favourite description of an NPC though: "Procrastinator".

I hacked someone and it turns out that some NPCs "work" for some company and when you hack them it increases a bounty on you. Bah.

I had this too. Was hacking music from some fat lady then suddenly her icon went purple and she made a call reporting me. I thought it was funny that the "Take Down" for her was just snatching her phone.

I also walked past a random, unwarned shooting and promptly took down the perp.

Speaking of the online hacking game. I did my first one. Quite funny actually. I pulled up to the scene in a sports car, got out and took cover behind a statue. I used the "Corner" control to just walk around it when I was in the guy's view so he never found until about 80% in. Them I just ran to the sports car and sped off. He had no chance.

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