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Watch Dogs


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No! :( Don't say things like this

Umm.. uhh.. there's a very strong option for aim assist?

The acceleration is bad - not the driving persay, but that's a pretty big part of actually driving. I went on an eight minute car chase that was fun... but it only lasted that long because I had to slow down waaaay too much for each corner.

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It's alright so far, nothing's really grabbed me. Maybe I'll enjoy it a bit more once I've finished Wolfenstein, as I kind of just want to play that instead right now.

I've only played the first hour or so, but it's not really thrown me much into the story, which I'm not keen on. These open world games are usually way to poorly paced as it is - give me a reason to want to progress the story! But I'm probably still working through tutorial stuff at this point, so I guess that's forgiveable.

Though if I am in a tutorial, I sure wish the one where it explains what everything on the map and in the menus is starts soon... >_>

My only proper gripe thus far is that killing pedestrians loses you karma. That'd be fine if driving wasn't so bloody arcadey! It's like Crazy Taxi but with hacking.

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...and this is why I spelt my daughter's name Lene NOT Lena.

Leeeeeeena. Bleugh.

Infinite power at his fingertips and Hammy uses it to pirate music.

Next I intend to root around inside peoples phones to find cat pictures.



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Just hacked someone and got a song off their MP3 player to add to the playlist. Fantastic.

This sounds great. Mainly because the only song I know from the original setlist is Move On Up.

I fear the campaign is going to be put to one side for a long time whilst I randomly hack fools and do sub-missions.

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Just hacked someone and got a song off their MP3 player to add to the playlist. Fantastic.

This sounds great. Mainly because the only song I know from the original setlist is Move On Up.

I fear the campaign is going to be put to one side for a long time whilst I randomly hack fools and do sub-missions.

So I wasn't the only one.

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First impressions - if it took them this long to get it "polished", I dread to think what it was before. It's a good game, but it certainly lacks polish. I feel like it'll be fun to play, and I'll enjoy the side missions, but it's not going to blow me away, it's going to be another Sleeping Dogs and not Grand Theft Auto - a game where you enjoy the world, but you can't quite feel immersed in it (I loved Sleeping Dogs by the way, but it's not a game I'd tout as flagship title worthy like GTA). That's not to say it's bad at all, far from it, it's certainly fun to wander around hacking everyone and everything, and there's certainly an element of Assassin's Creed's "I get easily sidetracked by the numerous side jobs" about it, it's just not grabbed me quite yet. Having said that, this is pretty much what I expected from it; I didn't expect another GTA, and I still don't buy the 'polish' idea behind them delaying it from it's original release date.

tl;dr - it has it's flaws, but it's fun. Don't expect GTA and you probably won't be let down.

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First impressions - if it took them this long to get it "polished", I dread to think what it was before. It's a good game, but it certainly lacks polish. I feel like it'll be fun to play, and I'll enjoy the side missions, but it's not going to blow me away, it's going to be another Sleeping Dogs and not Grand Theft Auto - a game where you enjoy the world, but you can't quite feel immersed in it (I loved Sleeping Dogs by the way, but it's not a game I'd tout as flagship title worthy like GTA). That's not to say it's bad at all, far from it, it's certainly fun to wander around hacking everyone and everything, and there's certainly an element of Assassin's Creed's "I get easily sidetracked by the numerous side jobs" about it, it's just not grabbed me quite yet. Having said that, this is pretty much what I expected from it; I didn't expect another GTA, and I still don't buy the 'polish' idea behind them delaying it from it's original release date.

tl;dr - it has it's flaws, but it's fun. Don't expect GTA and you probably won't be let down.

I imagine the polish was more along the lines of "Shit, like half the game doesn't work properly and lags like fuck". Those textures really don't look like anything outside of the ordinary.

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First impressions - if it took them this long to get it "polished", I dread to think what it was before. It's a good game, but it certainly lacks polish. I feel like it'll be fun to play, and I'll enjoy the side missions, but it's not going to blow me away, it's going to be another Sleeping Dogs and not Grand Theft Auto - a game where you enjoy the world, but you can't quite feel immersed in it (I loved Sleeping Dogs by the way, but it's not a game I'd tout as flagship title worthy like GTA). That's not to say it's bad at all, far from it, it's certainly fun to wander around hacking everyone and everything, and there's certainly an element of Assassin's Creed's "I get easily sidetracked by the numerous side jobs" about it, it's just not grabbed me quite yet. Having said that, this is pretty much what I expected from it; I didn't expect another GTA, and I still don't buy the 'polish' idea behind them delaying it from it's original release date.

tl;dr - it has it's flaws, but it's fun. Don't expect GTA and you probably won't be let down.

They had live code running at Eurogamer and it was glitchy as fuck, so it wouldn't surprise me if that was behind delaying it.

Edited by Dan
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I got stuck in another area - I went in to hack a tower and before I went in, I was messing with one of the forklifts. Once I was in.. I couldn't make it lower. I mean, I could highlight it.. but the prompt to actually hack it wasn't there. So I had to go back up to the roof and jump off it. >_<

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I see what people mean by the driving. Definitely going to take some getting used to. I only did the tutorial bit where you have to drive away (ended up crashing a lot and exploding; found a crate to go into to raise it up and hide, but the cops were right there <_<). Did the small side thing where you have to prevent a crime, then I stopped for the time being. I'm looking forward to playing it a bit more and eventually hacking another player to see how that goes.

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