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Watch Dogs


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Digging it.

Digging it lots.

RE: Uplay.

I had to sign up for it. I did it like 10 times as it was saying I was not connected to the internet, which was bollocks. I then went to do it on their website and it said I already had an account. So I signed in with the UPLAY thing and it wouldn't do anything so I clicked the "skip" button and it finally loaded the game.

Waste of time for no reason.

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Understandable then. Hopefully Ubisoft servers aren't wonky or anything. I was having some issue loading tracks to play in Trials Fusion the other day because of something to do with the Ubisoft servers.

Anyways, I have the game and will probably pop it in after lunch in a short bit.

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I've got PS3 version and love it :D Spent 90% of my time so far just hacking people and driving over the bridge and pulling it up behind me. Best bit was parking 3 blocks away, walking off, and hacking a phone conversation of 'You'll never believe it, the bridge just went up! While there were still cars on it!'

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From the sounds of reviews, the PS4 version is basically a scaled UP PS3 version, so I don't think we'll be missing out on too much SPECIAL stuff.

I've got PS3 version and love it :D Spent 90% of my time so far just hacking people and driving over the bridge and pulling it up behind me. Best bit was parking 3 blocks away, walking off, and hacking a phone conversation of 'You'll never believe it, the bridge just went up! While there were still cars on it!'

I upgraded to be able to bring the bollards up and down. That's hours of fun flipping cars as they're passing over them.

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From the sounds of reviews, the PS4 version is basically a scaled UP PS3 version, so I don't think we'll be missing out on too much SPECIAL stuff.

I've got PS3 version and love it :D Spent 90% of my time so far just hacking people and driving over the bridge and pulling it up behind me. Best bit was parking 3 blocks away, walking off, and hacking a phone conversation of 'You'll never believe it, the bridge just went up! While there were still cars on it!'

I upgraded to be able to bring the bollards up and down. That's hours of fun flipping cars as they're passing over them.

I've got that upgrade as well. I might spend tomorrow doing that XD I've already upgraded my ATM Hacking as well, and now have $35000+ in my account :D

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I just bought a PS4 solely for this really. I did the same with the PS3 when The Last of Us came out and I bought the console just for that, except in this instance I think it has a lot more upside to it considering it's still the start of the PS4's life cycle. COME ON WATCH DOGS.

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Not the best game to buy a new console for, considering it came out last gen and there doesn't sound like there's much of a difference, sorry to say.

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PS4 install was also fast, can't give an exact time as I started watching RAW and checked back 15 minutes later and it was ready to go. There's an update patch to download first as well.

I've not played much yet (just finished the tutorial) but it seems fairly sound, might take some time to get used to running with R2 instead of X though.

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Not the best game to buy a new console for, considering it came out last gen and there doesn't sound like there's much of a difference, sorry to say.

To be fair, I don't mind so much, I mean when I did it on the PS3 it was somewhat silly it was a bit silly considering PS4 was coming in a matter of months, at least this time I feel relatively safe in that even if I don't enjoy Watch Dogs that much then I still have a PS4 to get other games on going forward.

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