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Watch Dogs


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For real, I don't get the thing about graphics. So long as it doesn't look like I'm playing games on a potato, why give a shit?

Totally disagree. It's so much better when the game looks good. It won't kill a good game for me but it can put a borderline game over the top

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I still think stuff like Wolfenstein on the lowest graphics settings looked fantastic. Had a couple of weird shader problems in parts of the game cause it was set so low, but outside of that I had no problems at all.

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Apparently you can redeem uPlay points and get special items or something. I have no idea. It's sort of Ubisoft's answer to EA's awful Origins thing, isn't it?

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UPlay had never, ever been an issue for me. Sign in once and it's done, it's really not a huge deal.

Either way.

- I've played all I can before work - the acceleration is absolutely way too fast in the cars, it feels unnatural driving them but I think I'm starting to get used to it.

- I like the cop system, but I'll be darned if they don't seem to know exactly where I'm hiding but they certainly do drive past the place. Non stop. Still better than then knowing instantly.

- Chicago feels amazing. Very detailed, easily the best part. The game looks amazing on the One I have to say.

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It looks about the same as a GTA game. I would think that if you didn't have any problems with, say, GTA 4 or 5, you wouldn't have any problems here either.

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Yeah, I've never understood the hate for Uplay. If you have an account you just sign in and can get some small rewards with the points. It's never been anything more for me than some option on the main menu, but I don't know if it's any more intrusive for people who haven't signed up for it.

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