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Watch Dogs


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I wouldn't read too much into a review embargo. Not to say there's nothing to be concerned about, especially if it being less than 1080p and 60fps bothers you, but it's not like every game with a release day embargo has been bad.

I'm standing by my current prediction - it'll be good, it won't be as good as most people thought it would. And it's a Ubisoft game, so the story will probably be garbage and it'll be underwhelming in a few aspects. >_> (Far Cry 3 is the exception)

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I wouldn't read too much into a review embargo. Not to say there's nothing to be concerned about, especially if it being less than 1080p and 60fps bothers you, but it's not like every game with a release day embargo has been bad.

I'm standing by my current prediction - it'll be good, it won't be as good as most people thought it would. And it's a Ubisoft game, so the story will probably be garbage and it'll be underwhelming in a few aspects. >_> (Far Cry 3 is the exception)

Oi, Assassins Creed 2 is fucking glorious!

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Complication is one thing that has worried me. I see the trailer demonstrating driving a car whilst also hacking the traffic lights and I think "how am I going to do all of these things at once?"

Slow-motion, I'd imagine. Probably something like hold down R2 to slow time and hack.

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The only thing that has disappointed me with Ubisoft is their need for season passes with all their games, or at least the price for them. I might still not be over the Assassin's Creed III season pass, which was interesting but I thought wasn't worth it after playing it.

Now I am hoping Watch Dogs doesn't become a game that I regret buying, though.

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The Conan review is hilarious.

Anyone heard any thoughts or opinions from anyone they know yet?

Im a filthy pirate and I have played around 30 minutes of the game. So ask away.

How do you get electricity aboard your ship and is it difficult to play with a hook for a hand?

Oh and I've heard graphically it looks like shit. Is this true?

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What's free-roaming like, what's the driving controls like and is it any good? :P

The driving is both weighty and floaty at the same time. Its hard to describe. Cars accelerate REALLY fast and you really have to use discipline whilst driving to not ram into something, once youre up to speed it becomes much more managable though and maneuvers like powerslides are a sinch.

Free roaming is quite interestingly done, I havent done a lot of it but I can tell you that the map is extremely big and divided into a bunch of sectors. You can get everywhere from the start too. It ranges from suburbs to downtown Chicago. I am certain there are a lot of interesting stuff to be found.

You also have a sort of binary karma system depending on your actions. If you mow people down you become more notorious but if you do good act you become more liked amongst the populace. I have no idea what advantages it gives you, but I am sure it gives some.

You also get sort of vigilante missions whilst you´re free roaming, you go to the area and you profile the victim/suspect and you chase him down and beat him down for a bit of cash and karma. Also stuff like packages and credit card fraud you can do to get some money.

Theres also a little bit of character customisation, you can buy different colour palletes for Aiden which changes up what he wears and the colour. Theres also a white attire no doubt a wink to the Assassins series.

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People who received the game early are actually streaming on Twitch, so that might be a decent way of looking into that sort of stuff (if you don't mind possible spoilers).

Or Jason can post the reply :P

Edited by Vitamin E
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