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Anyone heard of this game?

It's a ''simulator'' game that simulates the experience of playing tabletop games with up to 8 people. You get a table, you can spawn pieces, dice, cards and so on and you can even load in your own card suits and playmats (future update will allow custom pieces too).

So you can play card games, or you can play table games like checkers/chess or even stuff like sorry and clue.

I've seen some people stream the game (newlegacyinc) and I have been completely charmed by the gameplay, and as a result have bought the game for only $15 from the website of the creators (it's connected to Humble and it adds the game to your steam library).

The mod community of the game is bustling too, with people having made games like Monopoly, Risk, Stratego and even stuff like Cards Againts Humanity. Some games are rudimentary due to a lack of custom pieces, but will no doubt improve as the creators add custom textures to the features which is planned for the coming weeks.

The devs are also working on Steam Workshop support so that the mod community gets even better.


Game Site: http://www.berserk-games.com/ts/

Buy Site (You can buy it for $15 (so great for non-dollar users) here): http://www.berserk-games.com/buy/

Mod Site: http://www.nexusmods.com/tabletopsimulator/

If anyone has the game, please discuss. Maybe we can organize some EWB game nights. :)

Edited by Jasonmufc
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