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The Barclays Premier League Thread 2014/2015


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Not watching but BBC live text suggesting Benteke was wrongly flagged offside when "clean through" just before that goal?

Dubious decision in City's favour or "lolBBC". Which is it EWB?

Bad decision. He was onside.

In all fairness, I immediately said offside as did everyone around me in the pub, we were all surprised when the replay showed him onside. It was a wrong decision but I wouldn't call it a bad one, it was as tight as it could be and in real time it looked offside
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I think it was a very clear onside to be honest. I mean you can see Benteke holding his run to be in line with the defender. I think Villa were very unlucky there. Could be a very costly mistake for them and goes to further highlight the poor standing of officiating in this league.

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I see Aguero throwing himself on the floor goes largely unmentioned. As usual.

I was shocked by how bad Mane was for Southampton. If I'm generous I'd say it was the weird surface but as he appealed every time. I think he spent more time on the floor than on his feet by the end. Shame as if he'd have just ran at the Spurs defenders he'd probably have had more chance of scoring.

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Wenger: "it is easy to defend"

Mourinho: "if it was easy to defend then you wouldn't lose 3-1 at home against Monaco"

I swear, Mourinho constantly winding up Wenger, getting under his skin, is one of my favourite things ever in football.

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Also Coutinho is great and should be there.
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