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I tried it again and got through it with just the three game crashes and a missing body from an Arkham patient.


I enjoyed it as a whole despite thinking the plot had gone a bit nuts with the Vicki Vale reveal, perhaps because Vale had been such a minor character in everything else I've ever seen or played. Unfortunately I can't say I enjoyed the Joker in any way, I found the voice actor boring and the character crammed in just because he's The Joker. I'm looking forward to a Season 2 but I hope they spend time on the engine as much as the plot for the next one.


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Eh, I really liked it a lot. More so than Wolf Among Us, less than Walking Dead. Literally the only things that irk me are 


Harvey Dent seemingly won't be full Two Face in my game unless they say he got burned wherever he got taken. And after the fight scene with Dent, from that point on you walk through Wayne Manor which seems suddenly unscathed and not burnt down. 

Denuded the game


Going to the speech Bruce Wayne. Tried to build his name back up. Maybe should have chosen Batman? But I don't mind my decision. Also interested to see if they fix his ear later on if there's another season.


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Batman down at £11.99 in the sale. Glad I decided to wait until all the episodes were out, will finally pick it up now it's down at that price.

There's also the Telltale collection for anybody that doesn't have most of them already. £24.99 get's you:

- The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
- The Walking Dead: Season Two
- The Wolf Among Us
- Tales from the Borderlands
- Game of Thrones – A Telltale Games Series

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Srar: It probably wouldn't hurt, but hopefully they lean towards the heroic routes so it evens out for me.

Also I didn't run into many glitches in the Bat-Games, except this:




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Ah, the ol' Assassins Creed Unity face.

Personally I had a few odd glitches here and there that mostly involved characters moving before they were supposed to move. Also, on the bridge scene between Bruce/Gordon where Bruce was stiff-necking throughout and basically looking side-upwards through the entire conversation. It was more funny than game-breaking though, making it look like Bruce was perpetually sneering at the poor Lt.

Edited by Jasonmufc
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Finished Batman


Didn't unmask, and showed up to Gordon's rally as Batman.

Good thing too, as Sheamus apparently tried to kill Gordon.

Also pocketing the coin lets you finish off Dent with a back body drop. For serious.


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TWD: ANF is pretty good. FInished the first two episodes and never felt like it was dragging, and Javi and family seem like interesting additions.

End of Episode 2...


... didn't see that ending coming though. I assumed it would be a big comic book character as the boss, didn't see David coming. Just naturally assumed he was dead.


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  • 2 weeks later...

ANF Part 2:


You and 82.6% of players took him at his word.

How the fuck is this not 100%?

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RE: Above.


A lot of people won't have read the comics, or seen the TV show to where he arrives, a lot of people like to roleplay too. I didn't take him at his word because why should Javi trust the guy who just watched a bunch of people with a pair of kids get swarmed by zombies and did nothing? He's done nothing to immediately endear himself to the character.

Sure I know who he is and trust him, but Javi doesn't and shouldn't if he has any sense of protection for his people.


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2 hours ago, New Year New Srar! said:

Can anyone tell me if Kenny or Jane are in the new season? I am playing through Season 2 right now and was curious if my decision at the end will matter


Last chance for staying spoiler free...


They appear.


Real last chance for staying spoiler free...


In flashbacks.





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