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The Wolf Among Us


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Anyone played it yet? I'm through with the second episode and bloody hell, I can't wait for the third.

I'm not sure if I like The Walking Dead more or not - and that is a hell of a compliment for this masterpiece.

It feels like a comic. It feels like a Noire kind of story. And you get the feel of being the black sheep by being the big bad wolf (which is weird in some way but therefore awesome!)

And as I just finished I had a "you and 0% did blabla" moment :D

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I have the season pass but haven't started episode two yet because of issues downloading off Xbox Live.

I prefer TWD but the whole 'Fables living in the real world' setting reminds me of American Gods by Neil Gaiman, which is something I'd love Telltale to have a crack at.

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  • 2 months later...

Just finished the third episode. Shit is going down!

I'm definitely going to have to have a second play through making different choices - some of mine have been 'spur of the moment' types and, well, not all have turned out for the best (which is pretty cool tbh).

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I'm really enjoying this game. I think the third episode has been the best one yet, but I can't really bring myself to have another playthrough because I prefer to stick with my decisions, good or bad. As mentioned, they're made on the spur of the moment, but that's what I like about them. Unlike plenty of games with choice systems, it's not simply a black-and-white case of "good vs evil", and it's not immediately obvious what everything will lead to. In other games, I have a tendency to have more than one playthrough so that I can see all the content, but with The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, I'm taking the view that whatever I did the first time round is what I consider to be canon.

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Just bought the season pass the other day and completed episode one. It's interesting, but it's not really grabbed me yet. It wasn't bad, but I've not struggled with a single decision yet, and aside from Bufkin and Bigby, I've not really grown attached to anyone.

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The story gets stronger. The first episode is very much trying to establish a completely new universe that is completely different to other verses.

Second episode is lots of exposition, but having played the 3rd episode I can assure you that it really ramps into gear as the story rolls on.

Not as ridiculously harrowing as TWD can be, but I love the series and the entire verse around it is interesting. I actually start reading the comics (Fables) as a result of the game.

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Yeah, one is the introduction, two sorta ramps things up and shit really kicks off in 3. Especially in the last 10-15 minutes. The next two episodes are bound to be very interesting.

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Finished episode three last night. Still not touching TWD in terms of my like for the story and characters, but it's good stuff. Didn't really like the sudden arrival of Bloody Mary as an antagonist because Dum and Dee were sufficiently annoying, but I'll give it time. Still don't have a clue who performed the murders or why, but I guess that's half the fun. Liking Bigby as a protagonist, and the humour in the game is better than TWD did, so there's definitely plus points.

Also, is it just my imagination, or is Bluebeard voiced by Lee and Toad Jnr. by Clementine from TWD?

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Are the decisions you make on a par with TWD in the way that they change the story, or do the decision have less/more of an impact?

I feel that the decisions in TWD ultimately ended up with much of the same in terms of ending.

The decisions in TWAU aren't neccesarily changing the plot in a great way, but it's more defining of what people think of Bigby and how Bigby acts. The decisions more or less define Bigby's personality.

Personally it's a bit more honest writing from TellTale because they aren't promising huge differences and then retconning the decision in 1-2 episodes time (See Carly/Doug in TWD, save one in E1 and then he/she gets killed off in E3)

So yeah, you can make Bigby a super good guy who is trying to turn over a new leaf, or just a complete and utter hardass that is everything people stereotype him to be.

Or just anywhere in between.

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