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EWB Game of the Year 2013


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1. The Last of Us

2. GTA V

3. Batman: Arkham Origins

4. Bioshock Infinite

5. GTA Online

6. Injustice

7. Splinter Cell: Blacklist

8. Civ V: Brave New World

9. Saints Row IV

10. Wrestling Spirit 3 - Just because I can.

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1) Assassin's Creed 4

2) Pokemon X/Y
3) Animal Crossing New Leaf
4) GTA Online

5) Fire Emblem Awakening (would probably be higher if I ever get around to getting further in it)

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1) Assassin's Creed 4

2) Pokemon X/Y

3) Animal Crossing New Leaf

4) GTA Online

5) Fire Emblem Awakening (would probably be higher if I ever get around to getting further in it)

Start getting around to it then. :shifty:

Fire Emblem can't be swallowed by the "I only bought GTA and SPORTS GAME 2014" votes

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Speaking of 3DS, is Animal Crossing anything fresh Sous, or is it just more of the same? I like the game, if it's not got something new then I'm not sure I can be bothered spending 12 months trying to get errrrrverything only to realise I missed one thing in month 11 again >_>

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It's pretty similar to the other ones (and the issue you're talking about is still there), but it's the best Animal Crossing by a country mile, and I find myself still taking care of my town six months after I bought it. Parts of it are still a bit of a crap shoot, and it's not the sort of game you're going to play for three hours a day, but it's good fun. To be honest, its placement on the list is mostly due to how much I enjoyed playing it with my seven-year-old (also why Pokemon is there).

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1. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)

2. The Last of Us (PS3)

3. Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)

4. GTA V (360/PS3)

5. Tomb Raider (360/PS3)

6. LEGO Marvel Superheroes (Wii U)

7. Bioshock Infinite (360/PS3)

8. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)

9. LEGO City Undercover (Wii U)

10. Ni No Kuni (PS3)

Really bummed I didn't get to Link Between Worlds or Fire Emblem yet, I'm sure they would've made my list.

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With all this talk of Fire Emblem, it's apparently $15 at Best Buy online.

If only we had such good sales/the 3DS were region free/I had a taste for strategy games. Take your pick!

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1. GTA V

Seriously that's the only new game I've bought this year. Can't even vote for online because I haven't bothered to get xbox live sorted yet :/

This, with the exception of Online, but haven't played enough to really judge.

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For serious. More people need 3DSeses. Best system on the market today.

At least there's an excuse for that, explain to me how so many people are missing £5 Steam games off their lists.
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So I've played just about 10 new games this year. My rankings are a little off as there's only Tomb Raider, Remember Me and WWE 2K14 (sort of) which I finished. I'm almost at the end of Black Flag. The others I'm anywhere between 2 hours in and a little over half way through. So realistically I can only rate them on what I've seen. I've actually played (and finished) a lot more, but they're from last year or earlier.

1. Tomb Raider

2. Bioshock Infinite

3. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

4. The Last of Us

5. GTA Online

6. GTA V

7. Remember Me

8. WWE 2K14

9. Dead Space 3

10. Metal Gear Rising

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