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[Voting Thread] EWB's Favorite Superhero Films


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Thats a hero being a hero for the right reasons and in the right way. It is, actually, a great reason I think (personally) Superman is the greatest superhero. Not because of his powers but because it is a rare event anyone questions if Superman is doing the right thing or not.

He is a good man. And examples like this prove it.

And I listed it because the quote was "incapable of writing ANYTHING" so passing it off as "thats just one thing" is proving my case.

Thank you.

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1. The Dark Knight

2. The Avengers

3. The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield)

4. Iron Man

5. Thor

6. Dark Knight Rises

7.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

8. Captain America: The First Avenger

9. Spider-Man 2 (Tobey Maguire)

10. Batman and Robin - I liked it. Stop glaring at me dammit.

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Thats a hero being a hero for the right reasons and in the right way. It is, actually, a great reason I think (personally) Superman is the greatest superhero. Not because of his powers but because it is a rare event anyone questions if Superman is doing the right thing or not.

He is a good man. And examples like this prove it.

And I listed it because the quote was "incapable of writing ANYTHING" so passing it off as "thats just one thing" is proving my case.

Thank you.

Fair enough, though I still wouldn't count Superman as one of the well written heroes, because like I said previously, I don't believe a few good graphic novels make up for a lifetime of shitty monthly comics.

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It upsets me that Hellboy won't be in the top 3. That movie is wonderful.

I'd be surprised it if it gets higher than, say, 9th. Not a knock on it, just that with the X-Men movies, The Dark Knight trilogy and the Marvel Cinematic Universe being so popular, I doubt it's making the top ten.

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