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Current Generation Memories


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I remember playing Rock Band with my friends back when I was in university - we never really got to do all that much together, so the nights that we did that (usually on poker night, once people got out they went over to Rock Band) were actually pretty awesome.

Other than that I've enjoyed the (few) times that we've been able to co-ordinate EWB efforts on a game that I've enjoyed. The only times I really got to play with people that I knew happened to be related to Call of Duty for short periods of time upon their release, so justifying my Gold account every now and then was pretty fun.

And besides all of that - it's pretty much standard as far as being amazed at the advancements that have come for better or for worse over these last few years.

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Excellent nights with the Dragons.

Summ's overhead kick

Myke's 40 yard power headers and chest high two footed lunges

Daws' 35 yard screamers

My phantom assists

Hodor, the big man upfront

Hughes missing from a yard

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Playing Left 4 Dead with a few people on here were some of the best times I had with this generation of consoles. Especially playing as the zombies and using great timing to just completely fuck over the other team.

Also, playing nearly 4 seasons of baseball in MLB a The Show 10. My Atlanta team was incredible!

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Probably Heavy Rain actually. The scene after the Jason in shopping mall scene where you're in your new place and your other son hates you. Building from there the whole feel of the game was intense.

Othergames include MGS4, especially the return toShadow Moses, the nuke scene in Modern Warfare, the sheer scale of the Elder Scrolls games...I'll think of more during the day.

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I remember playing left for dead with you guys and you all getting pissed off because I was shit at it and kept dying :P

I remember stopping one of you guys getting a 25 kill streak on mw2 in a ffa (I want to say Summers) and them spending the rest of the session hunting me down whilst pretty much ignoring the rest of the players.

Man I really need to get live again... so much fun.

Obviously everyone killing Ruki on GTA IV.

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Excellent nights with the Dragons.

Summ's overhead kick

Myke's 40 yard power headers and chest high two footed lunges

Daws' 35 yard screamers

My phantom assists

Hodor, the big man upfront

Hughes missing from a yard



I can't remember if you were online for that moment, best moment for me.

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When I went 20-0 in a MW2 team death match. The last five minutes of hiding after running out of ammo were hugely stressful.

Oh god. This. I popped it in when all my friends have moved onto Black Ops or something and I had this absolutely amazing game just out of the blue where I was landing hits and kills at every single opportunity I had. It was amazing and no proof existed. :9

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I remember playing left for dead with you guys and you all getting pissed off because I was shit at it and kept dying :P

I remember stopping one of you guys getting a 25 kill streak on mw2 in a ffa (I want to say Summers) and them spending the rest of the session hunting me down whilst pretty much ignoring the rest of the players.

Man I really need to get live again... so much fun.

Obviously everyone killing Ruki on GTA IV.

Sounds like me, yup. Damn you!

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Creating a surprisingly accurate Great Khali in the EWB Hockey league. Then of course my favorite memory from that, when a player on the other team was named Goldberg and Dragsy harassed him the entire game, sending him the message "Fight me Bill!" Over and over

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Gears times, especially when we did a 5v5 elimination on hotel and only 2 of our guys were left alive at the lower end of the hotel opening and the three of us dead spectating the other team to have our guys fully alert of where the rest were and somehow overcoming those odds.

Our times in beast mode, horde mode, etc.

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My favourite memory about this generation is getting to play Smackdown! versus RAW.

Oh wait, now I'm two generations behind :'(

My favorite was finally saving up enough money to buy Ken Shamrock from the SMACKDOWNNNNNNNNNNN MALL.


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Remember they used to say those that toiled through the threadbare thirties and fought in the Second World War were the greatest generation?

That's no longer the case. Xbox 360, Playststion 3 and Wii are the greatest generation.

Much like those who liberated Europe gave birth to the feckless and self serving baby boomers, PS3 and 360 have given rise to Xbox One and PS4. And who cares about those guys?

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Oh man there were plenty of fun memories.

  • Finally being able to play wide open sandbox games without the console shitting itself, never before had I wanted to explore game worlds so badly.
  • Getting out of the prison in Oblivion and seeing how beautiful everything was.
  • Being able to download demos for the first time (on a console) it was great just going around sampling all sorts of games that I'd never have tried before
  • The Arcade/Indie games that were great and relatively cheap (I made a game with Zombies in it, Scott Pilgrim, Castle Crashers)
  • Halo 3 with friends on Xbox Live. Before it'd have been inconvenient to invite people from the next town around for an hour or two, but just playing a game and playing with whoever was online was marvelous.
  • Completing Gears of War 1 with local co-op in a single night with plenty of snacks and drinks.
  • The Pinball Arcade on the 360 (until it stopped updating because wizards)
  • Finally experiencing Katamari! (I had a PS2 in the past, but it was pretty hard to find in the UK)
  • All the HD remakes of classic games, even just the re-releases of games like Banjo Kazooie that I'd never been able to play before.
  • Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Probably my favourite FPS of the entire generation.
  • The three weeks of the Wii being fun with friends
  • Trading in my 360 in July to get a PS3 and play the shit out of great games I'd never been able to play before. I don't think I even need to bother with a PS4 for 2-3 years when there's around 20-30 games I still want to play.
  • Abusing the 'end' of the PS3 by buying tons of cheap games on Ebay and building up a mammoth collection of games to go through.

It's so strange, this generation has lasted so long that I don't think many people actually want to move to the next gen because they're so familiar with the previous gen. The PS3 and 360 may be showing signs that they can't really handle the biggest games right now (GTA V for example) but they're both still excellent consoles and they'll definitely be worth keeping around for another 2-3 years until their successors have a decent games library. I'd have jumped into the next gen with both feet if either console had backwards compatibility, but as it stands there's just no way I could justify leaving behind so many memories like that.

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Aye I remember that one night Matt was on the 360 too.

I was on loads at one point around the time mw2 came out!

We weren't friends then. :(

Fear not, I'll be getting live again sometime soon and we can go get drunk on gta online just like real life!
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