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I got myself a bike!


And a new mask!


A new helmet!


I've heard of helmet hair, but after I took my helmet off..



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I really want to see the photo of us next to my Army helicopter :P.


Ask and ye shall recieve! Don't we look like the least intimidating gang ever? The dancing gangs in West Side Story were more threatening then us


Ya know Cloudy...first there was the empty bottles in your bedroom..now your drinking my whiskey. It hink you may have a problem

Oh..and BTW Chris...it was a Marine helicopter! It said it on the side. On this side of the pond, mixing up Marines with Army could get you shot! My brother in law is a Marine, and he says Army stands for "Aint Really Marines Yet"...

On the other hand, his friend who was in the Navy said Marine stands for "My Ass Ride In Navy Equipment"...so who knows

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I really want to see the photo of us next to my Army helicopter :P.


Ask and ye shall recieve! Don't we look like the least intimidating gang ever? The dancing gangs in West Side Story were more threatening then us

We look like the worst idea Abercrombie & Fitch ever had for a marketing campaign. We really do look like we're all posing for a catalogue of some sort.

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I really want to see the photo of us next to my Army helicopter :P.


Ask and ye shall recieve! Don't we look like the least intimidating gang ever? The dancing gangs in West Side Story were more threatening then us

We look like the worst idea Abercrombie & Fitch ever had for a marketing campaign. We really do look like we're all posing for a catalogue of some sort.

"Ok everyone...try to look really forlorn and not look at the camera..."

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you can see what i mean about that wheel now



Yea...looked fine on my end...


Hey...hey Cloudy!

Come look at this!


Guess who got a Phoenix?

You jelly bro?

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Gonna do a recap of all the photos I've taken recently, LL styLLe:


This I seem to recall happened when a lot of us were on that stretch of road on the left side of the map that leads up into the rural part of the map. There just seemed to be a massive pile up occurring with tracks crashing into each other constantly.


This was the result of LL trying to fly his stolen Cargobob too low.


When the fire trucks came to put the plane out, LL got a little too overly protective when they got close to it and fought them like a big man.


He was happy with the results. I was just happy to encounter the glitch that let me wear both my special helmet and mask.


I forget who this is or why I thought it significant to take a photo of their corpse. Maybe Hughes?


This was just the other night, as I was approaching my usual stomping grounds of Higgins Helitours ("LL Tours is terribLLe, we're great, great!") when I heard an explosion. I made it to the helipads to find these two crashed helicopters, one Anihilator attack helicopter and the other a more pedestrian Maverick, I think. No idea how or why this happened but was pretty cool. Then I shot the likes of 9 to 5 and Port with the water cannon of a fire truck that turned up to put these two out.


Then I think myself, Ruki and either Dragsy or Maxx were dicking around with the Titan at the airport, trying to drive into the cargo hold and see if we'd fall out. Then the plane crashed at one point and sank into the ground, leaving it's tail sticking out like this.

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