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The Marvel Cinematic Universe TV Thread

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On the question of who Bobbi & Mack are working for:

I'm gonna say S.W.O.R.D. It's already established that it exists in the MCU (if alternative endings count), and the main purpose is to "deal with extraterrestrial threats to security". Perhaps created in response to Thor appearing in our world, and eventually the Battle of New York. Maybe they're ran by the World Security Council?

Edited by tristy
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On the question of who Bobbi & Mack are working for:

I'm gonna say S.W.O.R.D. It's already established that it exists in the MCU (if alternative endings count), and the main purpose is to "deal with extraterrestrial threats to security". Perhaps created in response to Thor appearing in our world, and eventually the Battle of New York. Maybe they're ran by the World Security Council?

What happened in the alternate ending? All I could find was a throwaway line by Selvig.

This week's episode was awesome. So excited to see what happens next.

I don't know if it's SWORD now, because I'm not sure if it ever went down because they're saying that "it's back up again" which indicates that it was running, was shut down or discontinued somehow and is now working again. They can't possibly be working for some sect of Hydra, right?

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On the question of who Bobbi & Mack are working for:

I'm gonna say S.W.O.R.D. It's already established that it exists in the MCU (if alternative endings count), and the main purpose is to "deal with extraterrestrial threats to security". Perhaps created in response to Thor appearing in our world, and eventually the Battle of New York. Maybe they're ran by the World Security Council?

What happened in the alternate ending? All I could find was a throwaway line by Selvig.

This week's episode was awesome. So excited to see what happens next.

I don't know if it's SWORD now, because I'm not sure if it ever went down because they're saying that "it's back up again" which indicates that it was running, was shut down or discontinued somehow and is now working again. They can't possibly be working for some sect of Hydra, right?

About the alernate ending

If you listen closely, Selvig says something about accessing the SHIELD and SWORD databases


No, Bobbi says something about how they felt when some of their friends turned out to be HYDRA agents, so I doubt their another faction of HYDRA. I'm still betting on SWORD

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So....who does Mack and Bobbi work for? I feel like I was missing something.


It's probably Edward James Olmos' character, Robert Gonzales, since he shows up in the "next week on..." preview. His name is pretty much the only real thing we know about him, though.

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So....who does Mack and Bobbi work for? I feel like I was missing something.


It's probably Edward James Olmos' character, Robert Gonzales, since he shows up in the "next week on..." preview. His name is pretty much the only real thing we know about him, though.

Edward James Olmos is in this? Best show ever.

Also, I like how they are having more and more people show up with powers. I imagine most of next season will be a build up to Civil War.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like the build up to Civil War has already begun. The conversation between Calderon and Bobbi at the end is a definite confirmation of it. Can't wait to see what they can do with the remainder of this season and the first half of the next


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Pretty fun episode, if lacking a bit in action.

Still, Mike Peterson's back! :w00t:

Really interested to see how long Simmons can stay undercover and Fitz can stay on the run before he presumably teams up with Coulson again.

Also, are we going to be talking about Daredevil in here? 3 more days! I'm so excited!

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Also, are we going to be talking about Daredevil in here? 3 more days! I'm so excited!

If people want I can rename this thread to something like the Marvel Cinematic Universe TV thread so it can cover SHIELD, Agent Carter, and the Defenders-related Netflix shows.

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I'm only half way through the 2nd episode but Daredevil is all kinds of awesome.

It's dark, gritty, brutal and bloody. Not in an over the top way but just in a way that we're not used to with MCU stuff.

I suspect I will have seen the whole thing before I sleep tonight.

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