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The all-purpose GTAV Online thread


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The servers are so shit that I'm unable to edit the logo! It just returns error messages every time I try!

Why don't you complain to Myke? He has the power to change it! You all clamour for power but he has it and does nothing!

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Saw on Kotaku:

For those who can't get the first tutorial race to start (it hangs at launching or searching for players on Xbox or PS3):

- Delete the title update from your hard drive.

- After launching the game and redownloading the update, let the game launch into single player.

- From the menu, select the online tab to switch to online and delete the character you created. Yeah, this sucks, but at least you haven't invested anything into him/her yet.

- Create a new character and start GTA Online.

I'll be trying this tonight, but since I have the evening free, I expect it not to work.

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Saw on Kotaku:

For those who can't get the first tutorial race to start (it hangs at launching or searching for players on Xbox or PS3):

- Delete the title update from your hard drive.

- After launching the game and redownloading the update, let the game launch into single player.

- From the menu, select the online tab to switch to online and delete the character you created. Yeah, this sucks, but at least you haven't invested anything into him/her yet.

- Create a new character and start GTA Online.

I'll be trying this tonight, but since I have the evening free, I expect it not to work.

Don't worry Maxx, we will get on together!

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It seems worse tonight. I'm often in a city by myself and some jobs fail as soon as they start.

My wonderful purple car has disappeared too. :(

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Now I'm scared, because I got on and played for 3 or 4 hours last night, ranked up to rank 9, and had 25,000 in my bank account. I'm scared that next time I get on it'll all be gone. :(

Also, is it me or is passive mode broken? I turned it on for a taxi ride after some fella(tor) killed me while I was trying to take a taxi to my personal vehicle (an orange EWBuffalo), and then the same dude killed me again while I was in passive mode on my second attempt. >_<

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I got pulled out of my taxi and killed on foot, though. You'd think at that point it would automatically turn passive mode off or something, but I still couldn't select any weapons and had to just stand there and let this guy kill me.

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I don't know how you would go about creating a private free roam session or anything, but when I've been on with Larz, Midget, Myke and a couple others we did some jobs that only involved us.

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