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The all-purpose GTAV Online thread


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In the interest of full disclosure, I checked out the strip club. Saw that you could flirt with the girls through your headset.The following are confirmed, by me, to fill their "Like" meter:-Cats meowing near the mic-Reciting the alphabet in a monotone voice-Gregorian chants

Last night I had Larz telling the strippers that they should go to law school. Not sure how well that went over.

It's been working pretty smoothly this afternoon for me, although there was no one to play with and some griefer kept following me around killing me as soon as I respawned.

Also, I robbed a petrol station. While I was waiting for the guy to empty the register, I noticed the adult magazines on the top shelf. Particularly the third one in from the left.



I just like picturing you pointing a gun at the clerk with one hand and taking a picture of the magazines with the other.

But the reality of what probably happened is also funny given that I'm sure you killed the clerk and then took the time to take said picture.

It was the former. He tried to shoot me in the back as I was leaving, but I made sure he wouldn't make that mistake again.

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Looks like the PSN has been overloaded tonight as its back to being busted, still at least I was able to get a bit done today. Including beating Fusion in a race and randomly meeting Baddar outside a parking lot :w00t:

I noticed you! :)

I was parked up, waiting for Baddarina so we could do a mission together. It shit itself before we could though, then I couldn't get back in.

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Just tried to connect online. It didnt work so the game threw me back into Michael. He just said the military equipment I needed was parked out back and ready to go. I never stole that equipment people. Last time I played it was the next thing on my to do list. Whats up with this?

Did I miss a fun mission? :( Or should I be happy to not be annoyed with it?

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Saw on Kotaku:

For those who can't get the first tutorial race to start (it hangs at launching or searching for players on Xbox or PS3):

- Delete the title update from your hard drive.
- After launching the game and redownloading the update, let the game launch into single player.
- From the menu, select the online tab to switch to online and delete the character you created. Yeah, this sucks, but at least you haven't invested anything into him/her yet.
- Create a new character and start GTA Online.

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