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Aspects of games you dislike


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Long fucking cut scenes, cut scenes that can't be skipped, cut scenes with timed button press games, just fucking cut scenes. Have an army guy tell me who kidnapped the President and put my ass to work.

Unskippable cut scenes. If I just watched it, and died, the last thing I want to do is sit there and watch it again.


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Online modes that are crowbarred in for no real reason and just don't need to be there.

Achievements/Trophies that are either impossible to get or require you to invest a significant portion of your lifetime into. I get that the system is designed to prolong the lifespan of games, but the ridiculous ones ruin the whole idea of it for me.

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I don't like rubber-banding. Gran Turismo always used to be terrible with it. If I fought to the front of the race from the back over a few laps and don't make a mistake over the next few, I should at least be that far ahead...except I'm not and one spin puts me back into second last again.

The F1 games are pretty good for that though.

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More of a general thing, but I hate that games don't have any cheat codes any more. It is because of the introduction of trophies I guess, but I don't care about them. I used to enjoy gaming so much because when I got bored I could just spawn a tank and go on a rampage (okay, that's just GTA).

Any game that requires you to grind your way to the next level are horrible, with the exception of Pokemon. Everything else it is just tedious and boring.

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Not one about the game play, but the Assassin's Creed games (which I do love) all have un-skippable credits. You can't exit them 'cos the game will ignore you completing it. If it's on PC you can't even do anything else, minimise it and it pauses the credits until it goes back full screen.

You'd think after five fucking games enough people would have moaned about it. Oh and the latest one (III) was a good half hour long. That's half an hour I couldn't use my PC for.

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I think a more general problem is that a lot of companies forget that games are supposed to be fun.

I don't want to be subjected to some daft moralistic story - because let's face it, if you make games for a living you're going to have a very rudimentary grasp on socio-political concepts and you should avoid trying to educate the gamer or subject them to a boring as hell parable.

Same goes for graphics. Sure they look pretty, but do you have any other colours other than murky grey and khaki?

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When a game that involves driving but is not a racing game decides to have an unskippable rally race mission, because the AI invariably makes it a frustrating experience. GTA San Andreas is an offender, but Twisted Metal's have actually made me ragequit the game a few times.

Oh, and sports game AI in general. Most every sports game AI's difficulty levels go from "Absolute pushovers" to "Elite offense and impossibly fast reaction time defenses",

Actually, wrestling game AI too, but for a different reason: They're ALWAYS too easy. Fire Pro series is the only one to ever really present a challenge in the post-SNES era. Showdown Legends of Wrestling is by far the worst offender though, because even on the hardest setting the AI pretty much just stands there and is all like "WHAT IS WRESTLE?". My dad's cat can beat the AI of S:LOW. And probably would take no damage.

Also when too much emphasis is put on minigames. GTA IV is a good example. I actually like the wacky burlesque shows and the comedy club shows are legitimately hilarious performances (Gervais' description of the Falklands War is a favorite bit). But no, Roman, I don't want to see the big American titties I'm trying to advance the story so fuck off.

I read that as "my cat could beat Al Snow."

Unskippable cutscenes, especially when you keep dying and having to watch again. Just awful. Rubberband AI, which I swear just exists to protect developers' pride. If I'm kicking the shit out of your AI drivers/teams/whatevers and you don't like it, program better AI, don't cheat.

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I fully acknowledge that this is just the way I play games, but I hate games that don't end when the story does. When I play a game, I want to emotionally invest myself in my character, be he a soldier, a wizard trying to slay Diablo, or the next great NBA point guard, get my payoff for winning the game, and then end the game.

What I hate, and the GTA's of the past are the absolute worst for it as far as i'm concerned - you win the game, get a cutscene and the game seems to just dump you back in the world where you triggered the cutscene and you can...drive around some more and cause more carnage? Er, great. I guess. If that's your thing...

And it's really simple - just send me back to the main menu. Then I know the game is over. If the in-game world still functions without the main storyline, that's fantastic - I can go back into it if I want. but for me, I need the game to tell me "Hey. You won."

I don't need grade A storytelling. I don't need a perfect ending. But I need the "end" in "ending" to mean something.

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