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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013 (E3)

King Ellis

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True story time with Rider!

Girl on my Facebook links that. I say its insulting to people with unreliable connections that they shouldnt be allowed in on next gen games because of arbitrary restrictions.

Another girl pops up in says complaining about the net being needed while on net is ironic. I respond I'm not complaining for me but others that lack such services. Its not ironic then its human empathy.

She responds that I'm on Facebook and it requires the net, why am I not complaining then. I respond that she would be correct. But if it was required for me to play minesweeper, or print a document or use the calculator, I'd be in the right to. Should be allowed to use functions that don't require the net to use a computer at all.

Her response is that she works as tech support for Microsoft. Her great advice boils down to:

If you don't like it don't buy it.

Get a 360, that guy is totally right.

Even with a 360 they don't reccomend using it with poor net reliability. (Once again missing the point about single player)

And finally its already built and done so Microsoft has every right to say "deal with it."

Its like they held a seminar on how to be shitty at PR. And everyone aced it.

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If I were still working for Future Shop, the launch of the new consoles would be fun. People ask your opinion as a "sales expert" all the time. Especially parents. Lots of kids are going to want the Xbox One without understanding much of the concerns, simply because they had a 360 and all their friends had a 360, and they want what their friends are getting so that they can play together online.

In Canada, bandwidth caps are a huge thing. It's unfortunate, but that means that a lot of people are going to go to these retail stores to buy an Xbox One for their kids or themselves, only to find out that there are all kinds of issues with it that they need to consider before making the purchase. Whether this leads to increased internet bills in households across Canada, or just a mass exodus to Sony, we won't know until it happens... but it is a huge concern that Microsoft either overlooked, or just don't give a shit about. If it's the former, well, they should be smarter than that. If it's the latter, which is more likely, then they are essentially telling their consumers that if they don't have the privilege of living somewhere without these issues, that they can suck a fat one or use Microsoft's admittedly inferior product instead.

Of course, there are also lots of retail outlets and sales people that probably won't bring these issues up to customers, and that's going to create a lot of very angry people when they find out that that their $600 purchase also means an additional $5 a month for Xbox Live AND the high potential for having to pay more for their internet than they already are... and we've already established that internet in Canada isn't like it is in some other places. It's almost impossible to get bandwidth cap-free internet for $30 a month here. You're lucky if you can find a good internet provider here that caps your bandwidth and doesn't charge $75 a month. You can get cheaper packages, but taking into account the need for streaming in the next generation of consoles, it's not recommended that you go with those packages.

If Sony doesn't drastically defeat Microsoft, at least in the first few months following the launch of both consoles, I will be extremely surprised. Especially if it doesn't happen in Canada, where we are almost all affected by Microsoft's decisions.

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Beyond: Two Souls looks interesting. Someone on my Facebook list was shitting on the Sony conference and was saying how the character that Ellen Page plays in the game was "ugly" and had "a fucked up face." No idea what he was on about because I didn't find anything wrong with how she looks in the game. The "ugly' comment is also coming from someone who seems to just be shitting on Sony no matter what and not caring about the $100 price difference since he's relying on someone else to get a next gen system for him.

I'm glad they're telling me to stick with the 360 because I plan to for at least six months post-launch for both systems. I don't see the need for having to check in once every 24 hours or once every hour at a friends. The next thing I'm waiting on is to see prices of games for next gen consoles. If they're any more than $60 then I'll skip both, and if the One digital versions of games is the same as physical copies it's just another reason to not bother with it.

Edited by Vitamin E
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It would be smart for Sony to launch before Microsoft, if only so that we don't have those consumers who buy the Xbox One because it was first out of the gate, when in fact, Sony's Playstation 4 may be more appropriate for them. That's what happened to me with the 360 and the PS3. I bought my 360 because it was first out, and when my girlfriend moved in with me, she brought her PS4. That was 3 years ago. I barely touch my Xbox anymore, except for exclusive titles like Left 4 Dead, and titles that were ported to PS3 and thus suffer from lag or other issues, like the NHL series. Everything else, I use the PS3 for.

If I'd been more patient, I could have saved my money for a PS3 and been much happier for the years that I didn't have it. Hopefully Sony doesn't let Microsoft be first out of the gate again this generation, because it took a long time for a lot of customers to make the switch, or purchase the additional system.

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Xbox One also has a solution for you if you don't have online capabilities.

"Stick with the 360"

You know, that kind of derision for a huge swathe of people that had previously been paying customers kind of makes me hate Microsoft a bit, where previously I would merely laugh at their stupidity.

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Microsoft employee shills Microsoft product.

We've got the most shocking news story of the year here, folks.

Whilst I agree it's not as bad as people are making it out to be, the implication that comes across (that he obviously didn't actually mean) is really not very good.

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Microsoft employee shills Microsoft product.

We've got the most shocking news story of the year here, folks.

I think it's more than that though. It's the way he said what he said. He basically just told us that it's not Microsoft's problem if your situation can't support the ridiculous changes that they made, that they should have known would be alienating a large portion of their audience. And their solution to the problem? Stick with the 360, which is an inferior product to the Xbox One, and won't have support for long after the drop of the Xbox One. They're not going to continue to support the 360 throughout the entire life cycle of the Xbox One. So he just said that they don't care about a large group of the consumers.

That's a big deal.

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