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Buffy the Vampire Slayer rewatch


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Because Netflix justified it's £5.99 a month for about the 20th time and added the first three seasons of Buffy in the UK (with hopefully the other four to come at some point) I'm indulging my Buffy fandom and re-watching the series from the start.

Plus as a little side game to amuse me and because I was generally curious, I'm going to try and keep track of who gets the most kills throughout the series. Obviously Buffy's going to win (duh) but I want to see how well Giles, Xander and Willow stack up against each other.

My guess right now is:








Angel and Faith obviously have less time to get their kills in (three full season and one respectively, plus one off appearances).

About halfway through the pilot and I can't tell if Sarah Michelle Gellar just looked really young at the start or aged quickly over the next seven years. Also does Willow just not age at all ever? Or Cordi for that mater?

Just as good as I remember it being so far, Giles' first 'you are the Slayer' speech is brilliantly done, sends chills up the spine still

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Given what happens at the end of the series i imagine Spike would run Buffy pretty close

Yeah but he doesn't a good difficulty multiplier due to the fact that all he had to was stand there and let it happen. Anyone could do that, Buffy had to roundhouse a motherfucker in the face a lot more to help her total

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I powered through all of Buffy and Angel a few months ago on Netflix. Never got much of a chance to watch it before. Watched Buffy a few timse when it was on originally, but I worked, and it was a time before DVR, so I missed some episodes of season 2 and just stopped. Loved Buffy, Angel started off slow, got tgood in the middle, then petered out at the end

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Buffy's final kill total was 142 Vampires, 74 Demons, and 2 Humans.

Faith got significantly less then that.

Not sure about the rest.

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Buffy's final kill total was 142 Vampires, 74 Demons, and 2 Humans.

Faith got significantly less then that.

Not sure about the rest.

2 Humans?

Was one the bad guy from season 4,because He was more demon than human to me.

Edited by angeluzcr
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It was probably two Humans, maybe more. They were the Knights attacking the Winnebago at the end of season 5, right before Glory got Dawn.

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