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The Pokémon Watch-Along


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Episode 1 - Pokémon, I Choose You

  • It only dawned on me when I was watching this that... I've never watched the first episode of Pokémon. I honestly didn't even know until I started watching the first episode.
  • I loved the Game Boy opening transition into an animated version if it, even if Nidorino using a Horn Attack on Gengar was just a stupid decision.
  • I also love how Gary has his fan club and cheerleaders literally before he has done anything.
  • I didn't really notice much difference in Ash's voice, it's nowhere near as overpowering as when James and Meowth's voices changed. Ash's mom's voice is ridiculously different to how it became though.
  • Professor Oak is a bastard for letting Ash go through all the empty Poké Balls, and then just waiting for Pikachu to Thundershock him.
  • Both Pikachu and Dexter are real bitches to Ash to start with, I'm glad that Spearow ended up attacking Pikachu unprovoked.
  • Ash still owes Misty a bike.
  • I still wonder how much they had planned for Ho-oh when they had it make that cameo appearance at the end, I'm assuming they had started work on Gold/Silver when the animé started though.
  • Overall it was a pretty good first episode, it showed us the rather alarming fact that Ash is willing to sacrifice himself even for a Pokémon that doesn't even like him, and that a Pokémon that dislikes its trainer for no good reason can change its mind when necessary. It also revealed that Ash wanted a Squirtle more than Bulbasaur and Charmander, perhaps explaining why Charmeleon and Charizard hated him so much.

Episode 2 - Pokémon Emergency!

  • Wow, I had never realised just how different not only James' voice was but Jessie's as well. Then when Meowth spoke I almost did a spit-take. I cannot stress enough how glad I am that they dropped Meowth saying its name at the beginning and end of every sentance. I'm guessing that Team Rocket were originally meant to be the more serious group we saw here before becoming the comedy act very soon afterwards.
  • The Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy from Viridian City obviously hate each other. I've narrowed it down to two things; either there's some kind of unmentioned incident between them or they apply to my theory that all women secretly hate each other.
  • I have no idea why a Pokémon Professor would bet 1 million dollars on something like Ash catching a Pokémon unless he had some kind of underlying gambling addiction.
  • The dialogue in the Pokémon Center between Oak and Ash where they try to make conversation about the fact Ash must be in Viridian City because he answered the phone is possibly the worst dialogue in the history of television.
  • I guess they did try to make something of Ho-oh, I'm sure one of the movies must cover Ho-oh at some point but I've only seen the first movie.
  • What nobody realises is that the Rattata that comes out of the Poké Ball is actually the brother of the WAR RATTATA who wreaked havoc in the PCS before evolving and wreaking even more havoc. This Rattata seems to be far more mentally fragile than its brother.
  • That sure was one big-ass explosion that somehow didn't injure (or more likely kill) any of the humans or Pokémon caught up inside it. I love cartoon logic. Speaking of cartoon logic, how the hell did Misty's completely destroyed bike get hooked up to successfully operate an electric generator?
  • I guess this can be considered the first formulaic episode of the series, Ash does something, Team Rocket interrupts, Ash wins and sends them away. It also gave us a bit of insight into Pikachu being this uber-Pokémon with enormous power, and gives us the start of Team Rocket doing whatever it takes to catch it.

Episode 3 - Ash Catches A Pokémon

  • Two questions about the opening titles scene - Why is that Rapidash able to fly, and who is that brown-haired girl that Pikachu runs through the legs of?
  • The name of this episode really gives away the result of the Caterpie capture, but as it was displayed after Caterpie was caught it was a nice bit of foreshadowing for Pidgeotto.
  • It's great that Ash is so happy with this capture, good job he doesn't do anything stupid with Caterpie after it evolves like trading it for a Raticate or releasing it into the wild.
  • Caterpie and Pikachu talking about Caterpie evolves is so awesome, even if Caterpie's noise is ear shatteringly painful to listen to.
  • PIDGEOTTO~! Pidgeotto was always one of my favourites, good job Ash didn't do something stupid like releasing it into the wild after it evolves. It's also nice to see Pikachu do something to help capture a Pokémon, I literally can't remember it doing it at any other time.
  • Misty telling Team Rocket they can "come back any time" means she really has no basis to complain whenever they do.
  • I can't remember any other time that Dexter has specifically mentioned something about Ash's Pokémon being different from other ones by saying this one evolved faster than any other. I also have no idea how you would source information like that.
  • It's another good episode, but let's face it I'm going to enjoy every episode. As far as plot development goes catching two Pokémon and having one of them evolve probably makes it once of the most eventful episodes of the series.
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Oak really is a dick in the first episode. A lot of that is retconned, I think, especially when it becomes clear that Delia/Oak are such good friends. It's also weird because I'd say of the three starter Pokémon, he ultimately is closest to Bulbasaur I'd say (though they also seem to be trying to retcon that to Charizard at the moment). Squirtle definitely is the one that's sort of left out more than the others.

Ho-Oh has never really been explained, has it? There's been hints that Ash has a connection with legendary Pokémon, hence why he's seen so many of them, but I don't recall them ever really touching on that further.

Also, hell yeah Bruno (and probably Agatha) cameo!

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Oak really is a dick in the first episode. A lot of that is retconned, I think, especially when it becomes clear that Delia/Oak are such good friends. It's also weird because I'd say of the three starter Pokémon, he ultimately is closest to Bulbasaur I'd say (though they also seem to be trying to retcon that to Charizard at the moment). Squirtle definitely is the one that's sort of left out more than the others.

Ho-Oh has never really been explained, has it? There's been hints that Ash has a connection with legendary Pokémon, hence why he's seen so many of them, but I don't recall them ever really touching on that further.

Also, hell yeah Bruno (and probably Agatha) cameo!

I like to imagine that the Ho-oh thing is being saved for when the show finally meets it's end.
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I watched the first two episodes with my niece yesterday, she seemed to really like it, but it was so weird having to explain everything as we went along.

First episode always gets me when Ash is yelling at the Spearow, and that music. Man, I know it's all going to be okay, but there's still that part of me that wants to tear up, and my niece was really concerned. She thought that Pikachu was dead, and I had to explain that Pokémon don't die (okay, so they do, but I'm not going into that with a four year old). I forgot just how much the show actually has changed over the years, and watching it back was a blast, especially seeing Gary and how he's evolved as the series has progressed.

Second episode always sticks in my head for two reasons - ring, ring, ring - ring, ring, ring, phone call, phone call. Also, Pika-Pika-Chuchu-Pika-Pika-Chuchu. Also, Team Rocket being a genuine threat is so weird, you sometimes forget that this is a legitimate criminal organisation thanks to their ridiculous incompetence in subsequent episodes. The niece was confused by a lot of the stuff in this episode since their was a lot of talking and not a whole lot of action, still she liked it again.

After that I let her play Pokémon on my phone, which was also fun explaining >_>

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Episode 4 - Challenge Of The Samurai

  • That's one long recap. Do they not know I watched the other three episodes yesterday?
  • I remember this episode almost word for word, it was the first one I recorded from CITV and I must have re-watched it about 100 times..
  • Pikachu is officially the most disobenient Pokémon ever. Who the hell naps when its trainer wants it to battle?
  • Before I knew about anime and its weirdness I always found a young boy dressed as a samurai threatening people with swords to be quite strange. Now I know it's just a standard thing that people seem to do.
  • How the hell is Pidgeotto tired from a battle where it just flew around for a bit and didn't take any damage?
  • I remember seeing Pinsir for the first time in this episode and thinking how awesome it looked, I hadn't even run into it in any of the games at that point either. Of course, then it loses to Metapod.
  • I can't wait to hear how Benji explains to his niece about how Pinsir can cut Metapod in half.
  • I hated the Metapod v Metapod battle when I first saw it, and I hate it now.
  • Those Beedrill seem perfectly willing to hunt down and murder three humans without the slightest bit of guilt.
  • Jessie's voice seems to be in line with how it is for almost the remainder of the series now. I miss the original Team Rocket motto so much.
  • I have no idea why Metapod is so stroppy, and I have no idea why it's considered Ash ran away from Metapod at any point.
  • BUTTERFREE~! Now there's an awesome Pokémon for Ash to get rid of. What the hell happened to the shell of Metapod after Butterfree came out of it?
  • Ash even manages to get victories in battles despite not actually winning in more than just gym battles apparently. That Samurai kid needs professional mental help.

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This time I will not be watching with my niece, but anyway...

Episode 3: Ash Catches a Pokémon

  • The "conversation" between Pikachu and Caterpie remains one of my favourite things in the show's history. It's so sweet and endearing, there's a reason Caterpie/Butterfree were my favourites in the early episodes, and this episode highlights why,
  • How the fuck does Ash wind up doing so well in later episodes? He doesn't understand typing, he doesn't know what most of the Pokémon are despite wanting to be a master, and he doesn't even know to rest his Pokémon after a fight. Seriously, I'm amazed that he knows how to dress himself, let alone raise Pokémon.
  • Speaking of, Ash got lucky that Pikachu is so powerful (something that's never been explained as far as I know, but I suppose can be put down to natures and IVs if you want to go meta). Looking back on the series, have we ever seen Pikachu's pre-Ash origins? I'd love to see that explored.
  • Caterpie evolves in the same episode it was caught, I totally forgot about that. Yet another reason that Caterpie is bitchin' (and Misty is a bitch for treating him so terribly).
  • Team Rocket show the first signs of being genuine buffoons in this episode, and are way less intimidating. I often wonder why the change was so sudden.

Next up - the hardened battle of the Metapods in Challenge of the Samurai!

Episode 4: Challenge of the Samurai

  • Ash didn't learn his lesson from the pooped Caterpie, and sent out a pooped Pidgeotto in this episode. Honestly, kid, I wish the swarm of Beedrill stung the shit out of you.
  • I love that earlier in the episode, samurai claimed to be undefeated and invincible, then goes on to mention how the other three trainers from Pallet Town beat him later in the episode <_<
  • I recognised the samurai's voice as from another cartoon, then realised it's just Gary with the nasal qualities increased.
  • I am unusually irked by the fact Butterfree used Sleep Powder when it just evolved at Level 10, but the earliest it learns it in any of the games is Level 12... and Level 15/17 in RBY. Neeeeeerrrrrd.
  • Ash doesn't even beat samurai because the sword swinging wuss chickens out because he knows he can't beat a bitchin' Butterfree.

Episode 5: Showdown in Pewter City

  • Ash doesn't even know about the legendary Nurse Joy family that run Pokémon Centres :/
  • I wish they'd have a water move in the games that allowed electric attacks to work on ground types, at least explaining the ass backwards second gym battle in this (though it still wouldn't explain why Geodude fails like a bitch). I swear Ash wins more by outside and environmental influences than anything.
  • I still don't get why Ash doesn't use Butterfree and Sleep Power, since sleeping Pokémon are beaten Pokémon in the anime. Oh wait I do, because he's a dumb ass.
  • Aaaand the episode fucked up for some reason and won't reload, was that just me?
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Episode 5 - Showdown in Pewter City

  • Any episode that starts with Team Rocket doing their motto is a fine episode.
  • If Ash knew anything about level grinding in Gen 1 then he'd know what its like to be stuck in Viridian Forest for the rest of your life.
  • Who the hell wants to buy flint? How is this a successful business model? And how can you charge people for sitting on a rock? This man is a con artist and a terrible human being.
  • Ash definitely checks out Misty's ass when she leaves the restaurant. And that bill is nothing short of extortionate.
  • Why is Brock such an ass when Ash arrives? And why does he nearly kill him with his gym field?
  • Pikachu once again shows how much of a coward it is. Although admittedly I would run away from a 28 foot rock snake too.
  • After all these years I still assume that Brock wearing a frilly apron is either a Japanese thing or a "comfort" thing.
  • It's at this point where anime physics take over and completely take a dump on the game physics. As a game fan I find the concept of using a generator to power an electric Pokémon up to be insulting to my intelligence.
  • Misty seems to know a lot about this power plan despite not speaking to Ash since the plan was revealed.
  • Apparently Ash considers walking on a wheel to be the same physical toil as being electrocuted with high voltage. I assume he works for the US goverment now.
  • Yeah, Pidgeotto vs. Geodude. Another brilliant choice from Ash. BUTTERFREE IS RIGHT THERE.
  • Pikachu beating Geodude is one of my least favourite moments of the entire series, there isn't a Pokémon type law that it doesn't smash into little pieces.
  • Oh look, now it's hurting another Rock/Ground type. I almost think the animators were undermining the games for having Geodude and Onix as part Ground types.
  • This battle shouldn't have been allowed to continue after the sprinklers went off. This whole match is a farce. For once Ash actually does the right thing by stopping.
  • I'm pretty sure Ash didn't beat Brock in battle or being kind to Pokémon, Brock's the one that stopped Onix attacking first.
  • The Brock family are literally just clones of each other. Flint must be the Pokémon version of Jango Fett.
  • Obviously this is a noteworthy episode for a number of reasons, Ash gets his first badge, Brock joins the travelling team, and its the first episode where the Team Rocket subplot is missing with an explanation to allow the episode to focus on an important battle. Despite all the interesting moments I've never been a fan of the episode because the electric beating ground type issues really annoy me.

Episode 6 - Clefairy and the Moon Stone

  • There is nothing that a Pokémon fan can relate to more than being swarmed by a hoard of Zubat in Mt Moon.
  • I have always really disliked this Seymour guy. His rhyming makes me want to cry
  • How exactly can you dry up a Sandshrew?
  • I'm so glad the games don't have people stopping you from catching Pokémon for no other reason that "it's best you don't".
  • Team Rocket's motto is even better when it gets a lead in from one of the other characters.
  • Whilst the lighting in the cave may be bad for the Pokémon it certainly made watching the episode easier.
  • Brock's Zubat making its first of barely any appearances in the series.
  • What the hell are Ekans and Koffing doing to each other?!
  • "Pikachu makes friends so easily" says the boy who had to nearly sacrifice his life to get the same Pikachu to have the slightest bit of respect for him.
  • Pikachu's games of charades with Ash are always entertaining.
  • Oh look, Seymour's being annoying again. Meowth tripping him was the highlight of this episode.
  • Team Rocket certainly did a fine job stealing a very large rock in a very short space of time.
  • How fortunate that Onix was able to rise up out of the ground at the exact time and place that Team Rocket were heading there.
  • The Clefairy/Clefable song is now going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the weekend.
  • I hope the Clefairy and Clefable make the decision to sacrifice Seymour to their Moon Stone God.
  • GARY WAS HERE! ASH IS A LOSER! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I should also give some props to the very clever bit of animation acting for Misty when they mention Cerulean City.
  • I've seen this episode lots of times and to be honest I've always considered it to be mainly filler, they shone a bit of light on the Moon Stone/Clefairy connection, but I'd love an episode that tries to explain why a Moon Stone evolves Nidorina and Nidorino. The last ten seconds of the episode with the sign are by far the most memorable part.
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Well I'm still watching :P.

Episode 7 - Water Flowers of Cerulean City

  • I wish it was as quick to get from Pewter City to Cerulean City in the games as it is in the anime.
  • I'm not even going to question how Team Rocket managed to move a giant vacuum device with such ease,.
  • The Officer Jennies are by far the worst policewomen ever. All they ever seem to do is make false accusations and only arrest people after Ash has stopped the criminals.
  • I think we'd all like to know where Brock disappeared to so suspiciously. My guess is "Jynx prostitute".
  • This is by far the worst gym in the whole series. Terrible gym leaders who don't want to battle and just hand over a badge for the hell of it.
  • "All we have left is this Goldeen". So... the Seel is just some kind of decoration?
  • Oh look, Pikachu's being a coward again. What a disobedient Pokémon it is.
  • "It doesn't even have a face!" - I lol'd.
  • Team Rocket really went to a significant amount of work to perform quite a simple task and would really have only got Seel and Pikachu for their efforts.
  • So we go through all that and in the end they just give Ash the badge like they were going to at the start. I also have no idea why Pikachu is celebrating when it did nothing in the battle.
  • "Yo, Brocko". Good lord.
  • This episode is a bit of a let-down when you consider that it's the first ever battle between Ash and Misty and a gym battle at that. It's a nice touch that the Pokémon Misty uses are the same as she does in the game (as was the Brock battle for that matter), but it never reaches a conclusion and Ash backdoors his way into a badge again. Ah well, at least it was a good battle and the Team Rocket wackiness is always great.
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