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Veronica Mars Movie Project


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Actually, far as I understand, you're allowed to film Comic-Con panels, you just can't film anything they show during the panel. So they're not actually 'leaked'.

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One month from today! If you have an AMC theater in your town, you'll very likely be able to see it on the big screen. Big cities (bigger than mine <_< ) are doing premieres on March 13 and tickets went on sale today.

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I hope they dont use flixter, i think they mentioned the name once a long time ago but with the blurays that actualy came with a flixter code i had nothing but trouble. I would love to just get a good old fashion MP4 download but i somehow doubt Warner alowes them to go DRM free even if the Movie will end up illegal on the net within houres anyway.

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So, how do I buy this and watch it online? They don't seem to be advertising it very well. I'm sure you can, but I'm not at all clear on from where.

When I'm willing to buy it and you're making it so difficult I'll probably just torrent it, you're doing the VOD thing all wrong.

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Yeah, it´s on iTunes at least.

Watched it this morning, had to download it illegaly wich took me about 10 Minutes. My flixter code has not showen up yet in my flixter acount further proving that flixter is shit (i registered two movies in the past, of which only one shows up at a time, my three back to the future blurays it wont take because they geoblocked these movies since i boght the discs in England...). The movie itself is awsome, everything i hoped for, just like the show in every aspect. More of this, nauh! nauh! nauh!

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Finally watched it. I absolutely love it, it's a great send off for the show that definitely washes away the bad taste the third season's ending left. I was grinning like an idiot for about the first 30 minutes of the movie (except for scenes involving Piz, because screw that guy <_< ) and now and then. I'm definitely buying this on blu-ray, even though it probably won't come out here, I'll import it from the UK or something.

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I always forget how I actually don't hate Piz as much as everyone else in the world does until I actually see a scene with him. YOU'RE OKAY, PIZ. You had one of the best lines in the movie!

It's really good. Fanservicey without being too fanservicey, makes the most of its budget even though you can occasionally see bits where they didn't have either the time or the money to do it right (see: a certain music video). The main mystery isn't actually great but it doesn't matter because everything's so well-executed.

Or, the main mystery isn't great for people like me who've seen Party Down. I mean, the moment I saw Martin Starr and realized he's playing against type I immediately went "wellp, he's the killer." But hey, I didn't realize that he actually cleans up okay and it was cool seeing him do something different.

Also, James Franco, holy crap.

I know there are going to be novels coming out following up on this so it's not the end of the canon. If it's the end of seeing all of those characters on camera, then it was a great end. But I wouldn't be shocked if there wasn't eventually something more.

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The movie made 2 Million US$ this weekend in the US of A. Considering that it´s in Theaters all over the World and also out on VOD/iTunes and will gennerate more cash via DVD/BluRay/Netflix at a later Date i think we can start dreaming about a sequell or even another season. At leasy they make "our" 5 Million back easy.

Check this out if you want to see the US boxoffice numbers throughout the week.


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