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Veronica Mars Movie Project


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I don't come here much anymore but this great little community is where I first learned of Veronica Mars. Somewhere in this section is the VM thread where I gushed like a little school girl over seasons one and two as I watched them over the span of a few weeks on my computer.

Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell, along with Enrico and the rest of the main cast, are trying to finally get the VM Movie made via Kickstarter. It's all in the link I am providing below


If anyone is interested I thought I'd post this to make you all aware. If nothing else, watch the very funny video they made for the KS project.

I admit, I donated.

Too bad Fitzy and Ringy are both dead they would have maybe loved this idea.

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I knew Teej would do this!

I just saw this and was going to post it.

You know me well Oboh!

I truly suspect when this succeeds and a movie is made, regardless of financial success or not, Firefly fans will jump on Whedon and company to try the same thing.

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Fuck the US only deal. More Kristen Bell on my TV can only be a good thing.

I'd probably sell my blood, semen and bone marrow if someone did a Kickstarter campaign for a Chuck movie.

Thomas has said on Twitter that they're working on the Non-US issue.

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