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2013 NFL Season Thread


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Goddamnit, Falcons D. You had one job. ONE JOB!

Disappointing Season of Disappointment continues.

Richardson trade only works out for Indy if Trent continues to give a damn. In the NFL, nobody is worth more than hope. It's how bad owners can get away with continuing to be bad owners...unless you're Jacksonville, where you get a pass for having the most villainous mustache this side of Snidely Whiplash.

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Antonio Brown, 40 points on my bench. Hakeem Nicks, 0 points as a starter.

I hate fantasy football.

I'm loving fantasy football at the moment, actually. Two crushing wins and no signs of stopping (except my RB2 in my pay league).

It's 49ers football that I hate at the moment. :(

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Antonio Brown, 40 points on my bench. Hakeem Nicks, 0 points as a starter.

I hate fantasy football.

I'm loving fantasy football at the moment, actually. Two crushing wins and no signs of stopping (except my RB2 in my pay league).

It's 49ers football that I hate at the moment. :(

No people for Kaep to throw to, Aldon Smith possibly gone for a long time dealing with personal issues, and what looks like a much weaker offensive line?

Yeah, it might be a long year Livid.

They could be the Giants though...

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The offensive line is fine (bounced back in this latest game) but yeah, nobody to throw to is a big one. However, it's the defense that has me worried. No way would any team (even the Seahawks) manhandle that defense the way it has the past two games. One of the strengths of the team is the its ability to stop the run and they can't do that at all anymore, apparently. I think they'll be fine on offense once WRs are healthy but without their dominant defense, winning the division seems unlikely.

Yeah, I mean it could be worse but the last two weeks have been ugly as hell.

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Being double covered out the ass because nobody else is stepping up. Didn't help that Vernon Davis was hurt this week as he would've helped a bit but outside of them, they really don't have anything. Manningham should be back within a month and Crabtree within two but in the mean time, someone (I'm looking at you Quinton Patton) needs to step up and take some pressure off of Boldin/Davis.

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What about Boldin?

Exactly what happened in Baltimore before the emergence of Torrey Smith and Dennis Pitta (and firing of Cam Cameron), he's double covered and has to shoulder more of a load than he's capable of. And Kaep right now doesn't have a security blanket like Ray Rice to check down to and get a few yards on a bad play.

If the 49ers can get the running game going more they can do well since teams will always respect Boldin's hands. Just right now things look one-dimensional for them, getting Davis and Crabtree back will be very important.

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What's weird is that he does actually have that security blanket because Gore can catch out the backfield. To keep him fresh to run (his stamina sucks - watch a 49er game and watch him break a 10 yard run and have to come out for a breather), they don't have him do much in the passing game anymore though. Still, they have James and Hunter that should be able to contribute in that area.

Apparently they are going to go into more read-option to try and give them a spark but that can only carry them so far. A WR/TE will need to step up regardless.

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I saw a guy on the Cardinals lost the tip of his finger during the game yesterday :o How does that even happen???

He doesn't even know, when he was asked about it, he said he just took his glove off and the bit of finger was still in there. One of the comments on Deadspin suggested that he might have gotten trodden on and the spike on the cleat sheared it off.

Injury news for the Bears, Henry Melton is done for the year with a torn ACL. Bugger.

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Bring on the Eggles.

I've never been more worried about a game. Our secondary is so bad...

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