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Star Trek - Into Darkness

Herr Matzat

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RE: Star Trek: Nemesis. I don't understand the hate, really. It's the same basic plot as The Dark Knight Rises.

Major villain (played by Tom Hardy) kills a bunch of government officials to start a huge plan in motion. Hero goes to investigate some odd things, gets pulled in to major confrontation with Hardy's character. Hardy's character infiltrates hero's network, steals important information, confronts hero, and imprisons him with a nefarious scheme. This involves a weapon of mass destruction, and the hero's ultimate demise. Hero manages to escape from said imprisonment just in time for a final confrontation that involves a huge show-down with allies assisting him. Following a fight with Tom Hardy that the hero barely survives, hero almost sacrifices himself to take out the WMD, but it turns out that he got out just in the nick of time. Nobody questions why the radiation from said devices didn't just kill anybody anyway, and everybody except for Tom Hardy and his allies live happily ever after. Oh, except for that one guy that gets killed during the final confrontation.

As for Into Darkness, a lot of the physics make absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially the part where Enterprise starts careening in to Earth instead of the Moon when she's "dead in the water", but the rest of the film was fun.

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Yeah, watch the first new Star Trek film. Then watch this one, because it is fucking brilliant.

Honestly, Star Trek has been a pretty 'meh' cannon for me to get into, but these two Abrams films have made me want to explore more about it.

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Saw it earlier today. I liked it. Didn't love it, though the Enterprise cast is strong enough that even just watching them banter makes the movie worth seeing. Cumberbatch was perfectly fine but didn't blow me away or anything, and the big obvious callbacks were way too on-the-nose.

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Well its called "Into Darkness" I think for a reason.

I thought that was cause of the oceans.

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