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Can you pick your one FAVOURITE super hero?


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Probably Batman.

Spiderman's huge to me in terms of childhood and I love characters like Dr. Strange, Captain American, Moon Knight, Gambit (yeah, cos of that animated series) and The Question - but it's ultimately got to be Batman, and I think the films have helped a great deal with that too. It's really tough though, there's a bunch of great heroes.

Also didn't know we had so many The Question fans in here. I need to keep reading his stuff as I stopped a while back, but he's just brilliant - would love to see a film adapation.

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As far as The Question goes, for me, he's the perfect Ditko character. I disagree with Ditko's morality and Rand-ian world-view, but it lends itself to some brilliant comic book writing.

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Loved Gambit as a kid, also liked Cyclops. The Punisher was an early favorite as well. Captain America is my favorite in a walk, though. Loved that he just threw a shield and then beat motherfuckers up. Never really read comic books, but I did read some mini novels about Captain America fighting the Red Skull, only superhero I ever did that for.

Oh, also Quailman, he's pretty good.

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The reason I like the question was because he was a man that had no powers cash or fighting ability, saw a problem that in some way he was responsible for and fixed it. Using only his wits and forethought.

That's respectable.

Batman's actually said if there's a better detective than he, it is the Question. That's a pretty big endorsement.

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I am not a comic expert or nerd by any stretch of the imagination but I have always been partial to Batman, because I watched the shit out of the animated series when I was a child, and Hulk because of what I've read and what I've seen and what I've read really intrigues me.

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Easily The Punisher.

Though back when my main exposure to comics was the 500 or so my dad had (Most of the vintage ones, except for the Nova ones which I had to practically wear surgical gloves to take out of the bag, are nearly all worthless due to water/rat damage, though I think the X-Men #3 might be in good condition) it was a tie between Spider-Man and The Mighty Magnor.

Agree with the Punisher, always been a huge fan of his.

Though, does Jesse Custer count? He was heroic, and did have a super power. It'd be him actually, if he counts.

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