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Hitman Absolution: Contract Competition

Monkey D. Lars

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....I kinda suck. My score was 166, 506. Although not sure how to kill the third person (it only says eliminate?). got the first two no problem though.

Edit: The only thing I don't like about this game? How quickly people see through your disguises. I don't remember that happening in the older games that often...

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It happened WAY too often in the old games. And once one person saw where you were? Everyone did.

I should really replay those. Hitman 2 was one of the best games on the PS2.

I can understand someone seeing through your disguise if you are trying to imitate someone close to them...but if you're dressed as a cop? No chance every cop on the force is going to know everyone. So walking right on by shouldn't be an issue.

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It happened WAY too often in the old games. And once one person saw where you were? Everyone did.

I should really replay those. Hitman 2 was one of the best games on the PS2.

I can understand someone seeing through your disguise if you are trying to imitate someone close to them...but if you're dressed as a cop? No chance every cop on the force is going to know everyone. So walking right on by shouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, but how often are you with a ton of cops? For me it's been like 8-10 so far at most. That's a small squad, totally possible they would know everyone else.

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YES. That is the one fucked up thing. In one of the very last levels, a target had some bodyguards that looked like SWAT members - I know that sometimes when I stole a costume that HAD a mask or head cover that it wouldn't give me one, but still.. when it does? I should be basically invulnerable to being spotted as long as I'm acting right.

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I went into rage mode on that level and just killed everyone. No one hurts my nuns.

Seriously, I am considering going rage mode. Like...fuck! Let me sneak by you and everyone lives.

Edit: Tried the contract again, and I set the second highest score. Thought I did everything as fast a possible, still 5k less than Maxx.

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For real? fuck the Orphanage Halls.

I can get the first fuse no problem. Second is difficult sometimes...but the third and forth are impossible

I made it after 10 tries or so. Just be very quick. Only kill the first person you see

after you leave the lift shaft, kill the person walking behind, than get his disguise. grab the fuse on the first floor (if you play on hard or higher though, or else the fuses are on a different location.) then go to the stairs, wait for 1 guy to get up the stairs and walk through, kill the one standing there. put him in the closet. Walk of the stairs, turn to you right. There's a vent there. Go through it. If your quick everyone is still in a meeting. Go into the room with the second fuse. Then leave on the other side of the room and walk straight into the room with the third fuse. If you have patience now, you can get it very easy. Just use your instinct to walk past some at the right moment.

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About the orphanage, which I managed to do suit only, no kill/no stun runthrough.

You can wait for the two guys at the shaft to walk away, then you can go downstairs to get the first fuse. Then you go back upstairs again and the guard at the door does not see you for some stupid reason making you able to sneak into the other room and take the second fuse. Then you wait for the guy at the stairs to walk over and look at the wall, go downstairs and go into the airshaft. Wait for the guy to walk around the counter and you can snatch the third fuse. Then you just walk all the way around the library thing and go into the medicine locker and take the fourth fuse... Then you just have to sneak all the way back around to where you found the first fuse and sneak your way in and use the fuses on the switchbox.

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