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NBA 2012-13 Thread

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What a choke job by the Spurs in this series.

I...don't get that. They traded each game up until this point. It's not like they were up 3-0 and ended up losing it.

Did you not watch them absolutely blow it in Game 6?

That's ridiculous. They didn't blow anything, Miami made two incredible, miraculous plays.

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What a choke job by the Spurs in this series.

I...don't get that. They traded each game up until this point. It's not like they were up 3-0 and ended up losing it.

Did you not watch them absolutely blow it in Game 6?

One game =/= series.

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When you blow a 5 point lead with 27 seconds to go in the biggest game of your life, yeah, that is most definitely a choke. One of the biggest in NBA history. Only a Spurs win in Game 7 could have erased that.

That's not even meant to be taking anything away from the Heat. They got a lucky break and took full advantage of it. Good for them. Doesn't change the fact that the Spurs cocked up big time.

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No, a choke is not when your opponent hits a miraculous catch and shoot to tie the game with 5 seconds to go. A choke is when you have the ability to finish the job but you don't because you lacked the confidence to do so. There was zero lack of confidence from anybody from either team.

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A choke would have been Miami losing after Chalmers missed both free throws. Game 6 was not a choke, it was a comeback.

Fantastic series all told, a couple blowouts of course but 3 all-time classics.

Game 6 was a classic choke. Up 4 with 28 seconds after LeBron has consecutive turnovers (Miami's THIRD straight), Manure misses 1 of 2 free throws. On the next possession, LeBron bricks a 3, the Spurs have their hands on the ball and can't claim it and he nails the next shot. Up 2 with a chance to ice it, Leonard misses 1 of 2 free throws. LeBron misses ANOTHER shot, Miami gets ANOTHER offensive rebound and tie it up. In spite of all of that, the Spurs still had a full 5 seconds to run a play and got nothing out of it. Collectively their sphincters got tight and they blew the series there. One defensive rebound or one made free throw late and the Spurs are heroes.

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