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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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Big win for the Pens, they played some pretty good defense, which is something they have been desperately needing, but the Rangers were just really off. Dunno what's going on there, but they just looked bad.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Wooo! Four straight wins for Pittsburgh. Saw the highlights, glad to see their PK working really well, and Fleury looked like he made some really good saves too. Too bad those God damn Flyers picked up a win today as well. (N)

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Leafs don't completely suck!

But they need to decide soon....push for a playoff spot (and let Kessel get a few goals, dammit!) or just tank (maybe trade Kessel for a kings ransom?) for a pick. None of this bullshit finishing 9th or 10th in the east.

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I had to listen on the radio since I don't have Leafs TV at the moment.

I want to see this team with Gardiner and Lupul in the line-up before deciding whether to blow it up or push for a playoff spot. Just getting past the playoff drought would mean alot for the team going forward, I think.

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I understand why fans or even team staff would condone tanking, but any player who willingly plays less than their best in the hopes of getting a better draft pick needs to not be playing anymore. Have some faith in your own abilities instead of hoping for an 18 year old to make you better next year.

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I agree. I would much rather finish 9th for five straight years and improve through responsible drafting, than to finish near the bottom every year and not improve due to terrible drafting (CBJ anyone?). Just because someone is ranked or picked near the top of the draft, that doesn't equate to success.

Remember Aki Berg and Chad Kilger? Top four picks in 1995. Patrik Stefan was #1 in 1999 (ahead of both the Sedins). Jason Bonsignore was #4 in '94. Alex Diagle #1 in '93. Pat Falloon #2 in '91 (before Forsberg).

Simply having high draft picks is not the answer; proper player development is (see Detroit).

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